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  1. Adam Lenhardt

    Arrow (Season 5)

    Great finale, but frustrating cliffhanger. I don't need a big mystery to lure me back in next season, and I resent shows for imposing them. It was nice that Oliver won. Chase's decision to commit suicide was an implicit admission of failure. He wanted Oliver to be the architect of his own...
  2. Adam Lenhardt

    Arrow (Season 5)

    Chase still feels too powerful to me, and his allies' motives don't seem sufficiently deep to go to these lengths with him. But I like that the climactic battle is taking place on Lian Yu, and doesn't involve Star City getting half-destroyed for the umpteenth time. I really hope Oliver scores...
  3. Adam Lenhardt

    Arrow (Season 5)

    Nice to have Thea back again. Not sure which is more unbelievable: Oliver being shocked that Robert Queen killed a man and covered it up when in the pilot he saw him shoot the third survivor before shooting himself in the head; or Felicity telling Oliver he's not a killer when he is, in fact, a...
  4. Adam Lenhardt

    Arrow (Season 5)

    Neil got it right, with Chase being responsible for the EMP and not Helix. I still think that's a major missed opportunity to have Felicity's hubris literally blow up in her face. Some nice flashbacks that filled in some of the gap between seasons four and five, with better more complex...
  5. Adam Lenhardt

    Arrow (Season 5)

    I guess we'll get confirmation one way or another Wednesday, but my interpretation was that Helix made up the heartbeat tracker to string Felicity along, and what they gave her instead pretended to track Chase before triggering an EMP to fry her electronics and take Team Arrow off the board.
  6. Adam Lenhardt

    Arrow (Season 5)

    A mostly very strong episode tonight. It must have been really awkward for Felicity when her big play with Helix literally blew up in her face, immediately after she lectured Oliver for not trusting her and backing her big play. Somehow over the course of the season, Wild Dog went from being...
  7. Adam Lenhardt

    Arrow (Season 5)

    I do feel like this is the turning point episode, though. It was good to see Diggle agree that the idea of Oliver being a craven serial killer is nonsense. And while Chase may have outmaneuvered the feds and escaped custody, the whole world knows who he is now. That doesn't mean he isn't still...
  8. Adam Lenhardt

    Arrow (Season 5)

    Some big casting news that constitutes a MAJOR spoiler:
  9. Adam Lenhardt

    Arrow (Season 5)

    Given that Malcolm Merlyn ressurrected Dolph Lundgren's character, I don't think so. I'm still betting the last flashback of the season finale will be the first scene from the pilot, with Oliver being rescued from the island. The flashbacks for the next three episodes should explain how he ended...
  10. Adam Lenhardt

    Arrow (Season 5)

    Things are definitely heating up now, but the show's falling into the trap of Chase having all victories and Oliver having all defeats. That gets boring after a while, especially if Oliver doesn't win until the season finale. Yes, Chase's wife dying was (presumably) not according to his plan...
  11. Adam Lenhardt

    Arrow (Season 5)

    Mixed feelings about tonight's episode. On one hand, most of the things that irritated me about the first half of the season have been rectified, and the big Prometheus reveal was legitimately shocking and earned: Since Adrian Chase is well-known as Vigilante in the comics, and Vigilante has...
  12. Adam Lenhardt

    Arrow (Season 5)

    This was another very strong episode for me, building on what really worked for me from last week's episode, while getting away from the elements that polarized audiences. I really like how the Mayor's Office segment of the show is running. It has weight and story heft now; it feels substantial...
  13. Adam Lenhardt

    Arrow (Season 5)

    It was a bit of a cop out -- clearly Guggenheim couldn't come up with a workable compromise, so he kept the details extremely vague. But my takeaway is that it was a series of small first steps to more aggressively tackle gun violence, while being too watered down to actually merit being called...
  14. Adam Lenhardt

    Arrow (Season 5)

    When I heard "Arrow" was doing a gun control episode, I was apprehensive. It's not secret that the Arrowverse writing rooms are overwhelmingly liberal, and a certain groupthink can set in whenever things get monolithic in that way. On "Supergirl" this season, in particular, there have been a...
  15. Adam Lenhardt

    Arrow (Season 5)

    The good news for you is that this will be the last season with regular flashbacks. Where Oliver is now in the flashbacks is VERY close, storywise, to where we met him at the start of the first episode. He's still got to be marooned back on that island long enough to grow that epic beard, but I...
  16. Adam Lenhardt

    Arrow (Season 5)

    This was my favorite episode in a while, and the first one where Wild Dog was value added instead of value subtracted. I do wonder what Helix's greater plan for Felicity is. They seem like the devil perched on her shoulder, goading her toward dark places. It was nice to see Oliver willing to...
  17. Adam Lenhardt

    Arrow (Season 5)

    My only criticism is that it seemed pretty quick. I would have liked them to start the "new Black Canary" plot line earlier in the season and have three or four "close but no cigar" candidates before they found Dinah Drake. What are the odds, after all, that the first person you try out has all...
  18. Adam Lenhardt

    Arrow (Season 5)

    I continue to feel that the vast majority of episodes this season start with the same outline: Oliver makes a perfectly reasonable decision. Felicity smugly undermines him with the team, and/or the team petulantly disobeys him. Disastrous consequences ensue. By the end, Oliver finds a way to...
  19. Adam Lenhardt

    Arrow (Season 5)

    Season 5B Extended Trailer:
  20. Adam Lenhardt

    Arrow (Season 5)

    Renewed for Season 6 Press Release: 01.08.2017 THE CW PICKS UP SEVEN CURRENT SERIES FOR 2017-18 SEASON THE CW PICKS UP SEVEN CURRENT SERIES FOR 2017-18 SEASON Network Gives Early Renewals for Next Season to “Arrow,” “Crazy Ex-Girlfriend,” “DC’s Legends of Tomorrow,” “The Flash,”...
  21. Adam Lenhardt

    Arrow (Season 5)

    Season 5B promo:
  22. Adam Lenhardt

    Arrow (Season 5)

    Much like the A*Team, Diggle "was sent to prison by a military court for a crime [he] didn't commit [and] promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade." So my guess is that the firepower is the United States Army; Evelyn probably ratted Diggle out to the authorities and then the Army faked...
  23. Adam Lenhardt

    Arrow (Season 5)

    A really strong midseason finale. Prometheus is proving to be an interesting villain; rather than the fate of the city or the world being at stake, it's a lot more personal which makes it a lot more interesting. Oliver being duped into killing Felicity's boyfriend is his biggest mistake of the...
  24. Adam Lenhardt

    Arrow (Season 5)

    The timing of this crossover event was kind of awkward, because this was the 100th episode of "Arrow". So on one hand, the episode had to work as the middle chapter of a three-episode story. On the other hand, the episode had to work as the culmination of five seasons of "Arrow". "The Flash"...
  25. Adam Lenhardt

    Arrow (Season 5)

    Trailer for the four-series crossover event that starts in the final act of Monday's new episode of "Supergirl": ...and the "Arrow" poster for the crossover event:
  26. Adam Lenhardt

    Arrow (Season 5)

    It should be noted that that is not my statement, despite the attribution! I've had serious problems with this season so far.
  27. Adam Lenhardt

    Arrow (Season 5)

    Best episode of the season so far for me. Me too! For those viewers who weren't tipped off by the name Adrian Chase. I liked that twist. Gave an underutilized character more to do.
  28. Adam Lenhardt

    Arrow (Season 5)

    I had the same reaction, Neil. On one hand, I never suspected that the person in question could be Prometheus. On the other hand, I don't see any way the person could be Prometheus. This episode started out pretty lackluster, with more whining from the new recruits. I did appreciate that Wild...
  29. Adam Lenhardt

    Arrow (Season 5)

    After the FOX series's reconceptualizing of the character, it was fun to see a straight take on Human Target, even if the masks stretched credibility as much as the ones in the Mission: Impossible movies do. I was bummed that Oliver's victories as mayor this episode were really Chance in...
  30. Adam Lenhardt

    Arrow (Season 5)

    The new recruits storyline is still irritating me -- yet again, Oliver lays out a well-thought-out plan of attack, and yet again Wild Dog has to go renegade and screw things up -- but the episode generally marked an improvement. After episode three episodes of Oliver taking it in the teeth, it...