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  1. RichMurphy

    The Twilight Time News and Info Thread

    This is heartbreaking. Don't know if this means she was treated poorly personally or professionally or both, but given the quality of her work and her recent loss, this almost angers me. No matter what eventually happens to Twilight Time, I wish her all the best.
  2. RichMurphy

    The Twilight Time News and Info Thread

    Let's put things in perspective. In 1977/78 I paid $29.95 for a short snippet of STAR WARS at E.J. Korvettes. It was in spectacular Super 8mm and glorious monophonic sound. ;) According to a Google search, that would be the equivalent of $124.00 today. Yes, home theater can be an expensive...
  3. RichMurphy

    The Twilight Time News and Info Thread

    I highly recommend the British 55 DAYS and CIRCUS WORLD Blu-rays with the Pinewood restorations. I agree that EL CID and ROMAN EMPIRE should be given equal loving care.
  4. RichMurphy

    The Twilight Time News and Info Thread

    Definitely, and sample the discs as well! I recent received a disc from Warner Archive where the disc itself had the cover art for the film I ordered AND the cover art for another film printed on top of it. The wrong film was on the disc. I can only guess that they thought they were grabbing a...
  5. RichMurphy

    The Twilight Time News and Info Thread

    I think the rights for THE CARDINAL are with Warners now, or at least they were during its DVD release a decade ago.
  6. RichMurphy

    The Twilight Time News and Info Thread

    "But undeterred we pressed on.." as opposed to MOD discs? :laugh: But seriously, thank YOU, Twilight Time, for serving your niche market so well. When I remember how much I paid for Castle Films' 8mm short excerpts from movies back in the 1970s, I realize what a true bargain your discs are.