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  1. S

    Kino Lorber Studio Classics - First Time on Blu-ray

    One of the companies that handled the Hammer flicks, Exclusive, I think it was called, went bankrupt, which is why there are no more Hammer blues coming from Millennium and now Millennium was just bought and is now owned by someone else. It's supposed to have a name change too. So, basically, no...
  2. S

    Kino Lorber Studio Classics - First Time on Blu-ray

    At this point I think there are probably some titles we may never ever see remastered or even released on blu-ray or DVD because of this.
  3. S

    Kino Lorber Studio Classics - First Time on Blu-ray

    Keeping my fingers crossed for some genre titles (i.e. PLANET OF THE VAMPIRES for starters).