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  1. K

    Kino Lorber Studio Classics - First Time on Blu-ray

    Well, the DVD says closed-captioned, so these couldn't be converted to subtitles? I mean the timings and text are there.. No need for anyone to work on them. Just the format. Thanks for your reply. I hope you do. Including subtitles in Bluray releases, attracts more buyers (those with hard of...
  2. K

    Kino Lorber Studio Classics - First Time on Blu-ray

    This was one of my most anticipated Blurays! Thank you so much! If I may ask, will you include English subtitles? Because i see some of your releases don't have and others have. I haven't understood on what criteria that goes..
  3. K

    Kino Lorber Studio Classics - First Time on Blu-ray

    I'm so interested in At Close Range, though i haven't seen it. Hope one of the titles is this!
  4. K

    Kino Lorber Studio Classics - First Time on Blu-ray

    But isn't the international cut only dubbed? I can't stand watching dubbed versions...
  5. K

    Kino Lorber Studio Classics - First Time on Blu-ray

    May I ask something: Is there a pattern on which Blurays have English subtitles and which don't? Because I don't see any regularity on this in Kino's releases..