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  1. Mike Frezon

    Weekly RoundUp 8-14-2012

    And I cannot disagree with either of those points. I've had my share of conversations with guys named Jim who sound like they are a native of some far, exotic locale (but that comes close to "profiling, doesn't it?). And I was able to provide the transcript to you folks because the chat...
  2. Mike Frezon

    Weekly RoundUp 8-14-2012

    Stop playing games with me, Moe!
  3. Mike Frezon

    Weekly RoundUp 8-14-2012

    I'm not able to report any such problems either--with my copy of The Hunger Games... BECAUSE I DIDN'T GET IT YET!
  4. Mike Frezon

    Weekly RoundUp 8-14-2012

    Yes! Greg Brady and Danny Partridge and a Sasquatch...all in one sitting! Better than any old hot, girl archer...
  5. Mike Frezon

    Weekly RoundUp 8-14-2012

    The e-mail said the 20th. As I told the customer rep, it has never happened before that they didn't deliver on the release I never gave it a thought to look at what the delivery date was going to be. That's my failing. No doubt about it. Lesson learned. I will be more...
  6. Mike Frezon

    Weekly RoundUp 8-14-2012

    Ouch! I didn't think I was "very hostile." I prefer to think of it as persistent. I actually thought I remained polite. Ah, the written word...
  7. Mike Frezon

    Weekly RoundUp 8-14-2012

    My order was placed on August 12th! I can't see fighting this anymore though. Unless any of you can think of some other way to go about it. I DID have a situation not too long ago where I placed an order and mistakenly ordered the DVD instead of Blu of a certain title. I had to...
  8. Mike Frezon

    Weekly RoundUp 8-14-2012

    I have gone from "slightly ticked off" to "full-blown pissed:" You should only read this if you've got a lot of free time on your hands.
  9. Mike Frezon

    Weekly RoundUp 8-14-2012

    Whoops. I didn't make it clear. I had pre-ordered The Hunger Games and was expecting it to be delivered today. Not Jaws. That's why I really don't get this. At all.
  10. Mike Frezon

    Weekly RoundUp 8-14-2012

    I'm a little ticked off at Amazon. This is the first time I can remember pre-ordering a new release (I have Prime Shipping) and NOT getting it on release date. So, I just "chatted" with amazon customer support who informed me that "release date delivery" isn't in play on every item...
  11. Mike Frezon

    Weekly RoundUp 8-14-2012

    To you fellas posting about your DVD collections: I've got no issue at all with you posting here about such things, but you might be interested in this other thread on the same subject. Some mighty interesting reading there, if you haven't already stopped by. I've got a real...
  12. Mike Frezon

    Weekly RoundUp 8-14-2012

    Stemming misinformation spread by their own employees. I hate to say "I told you so," but you just cannot trust what floor personnel might tell you in these situations And, I will go as far to say that it's not always the floor personnel's fault. They might be getting misinformation from...
  13. Mike Frezon

    Weekly RoundUp 8-14-2012

    Does anyone know what Target is selling the disc for? DavidJ? I am surprised, like Malcolm, that Amazon has bumped to $19.96 and is still there. And based on all that has happened...I wouldn't be 100% sure Best Buy won't be getting more digibooks in stock. Not that I doubt Todd's...
  14. Mike Frezon

    Weekly RoundUp 8-14-2012

    Oh my. This apparent underestimation of the potential demand for the Blu of Jaws reminds me of that great line in Toy Story 2 from Tour Guide Barbie (in the toy store) when Pixar poked a little fun at itself and the success of the original Toy Story: For Target not even to...
  15. Mike Frezon

    Weekly RoundUp 8-14-2012

    Jaws??? The Hunger Games??? Really?!? That's all anyone can talk about this week? You people disgust me. Bigfoot, people! Bigfoot! Jaws was just a rip-off of the whole Bigfoot franchise, anyway...
  16. Mike Frezon

    Weekly RoundUp 8-14-2012

    I've added a link to the OP, Matt. And, I've also added a link to Richard's review of Twilight Time's Bye Bye Birdie.
  17. Mike Frezon

    Weekly RoundUp 8-14-2012

    Thanks, Sam! I just went ahead and pre-ordered via Amazon.
  18. Mike Frezon

    Weekly RoundUp 8-14-2012

    And there's now also a link in the OP. Thanks, Adam! Hint: It is coming "Very Highly Recommended!"
  19. Mike Frezon

    Weekly RoundUp 8-14-2012

    Don't forget, everyone, that The Hunger Games isn't released until Saturday, August 18. It has happened to me. I walk into a store expecting to find a big title on Tuesday...only to wonder where it is. Then I remember it's one of those rare end-of-the-week releases! The Hunger Games...
  20. Mike Frezon

    Weekly RoundUp 8-14-2012

    The Features – Roy Scheider (Jaws – 1975) – Jennifer Lawrence (The Hunger Games – 2012) –Shaft – 1971 –Bye Bye Birdie – 1963 –Bill Murray (The Royal Tennenbaums – 2001) –Les Vampires – 1915 –Barry Williams & Danny Bonaduce...