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  1. Ronald Epstein

    3D Blu-ray Review Meet The Robinsons: THE HTF 3D ADDICT REVIEW

    Hi Greg! No, that short is not included here. First time I have heard of it and I really would have liked to have seen it.
  2. Ronald Epstein

    3D Blu-ray Review Meet The Robinsons: THE HTF 3D ADDICT REVIEW

    Adam, I first watched Meet The Robinsons when it was released to DVD in 2007. I turned it off halfway through. I really didn't like it in the least, mainly for the fact that it seemed terribly unscripted at the point we meet the Robinson family. It was as if anything and everything...
  3. Ronald Epstein

    3D Blu-ray Review Meet The Robinsons: THE HTF 3D ADDICT REVIEW

    <br /> <p id="user_yui_3_3_0_7_1304014220996256" > <a href="" id="user_yui_3_3_0_7_1305199559539451" target="_blank"><img alt="htf3daddictbanner.jpg" height="188" id="user_yui_3_3_0_7_1305199559539450"...