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  1. Ronald Epstein

    3D Blu-ray Review Bolt: THE HTF 3D ADDICT REVIEW

    Spence (and all), Doing a lot of traveling over the next week. May only be able to review 2 of the 4 titles, though Matt Hough will also be covering the same releases. Which should be the next title I look at? I am rather unfamiliar with ROBINSONS, G-FORCE and CHICKEN LITTLE.
  2. Ronald Epstein

    3D Blu-ray Review Bolt: THE HTF 3D ADDICT REVIEW

    Hi Steve! Actually, if you look across the Internet for the answer to that question, you get a mixed bag of results. For example: "While Bolt was Disney’s first film to be released in...
  3. Ronald Epstein

    3D Blu-ray Review Bolt: THE HTF 3D ADDICT REVIEW

    <br /> <p id="user_yui_3_3_0_7_1304014220996256" > <a href="" id="user_yui_3_3_0_7_1305199559539451" target="_blank"><img alt="htf3daddictbanner.jpg" height="188" id="user_yui_3_3_0_7_1305199559539450"...