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    Cannon Pilot Movie On Season 1 Vol. 1 DVD?

    Could someone post the running times of the 11 episodes? Also how does the video and audio quality rate on a 1 to 5 scale with 5 being the highest? I have The Wild Wild West Season 1, 2, 3, and 4 and the Invaders Season 1. How does Cannon compare in video and audio quality to The Wild Wild West...

    Cannon Pilot Movie On Season 1 Vol. 1 DVD?

    Does anyone know if the Cannon Pilot Movie will be on the upcoming DVD? The DVD is listed as being 4 Discs so I hope that is correct and that means The Pilot Movie will be included. If anyone knows, if the Pilot Movie is on the DVD, will it be the original full 100 minute version? Thanks...