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    Donner Superman 2 SE (merged thread)

    three mail in wish list for superman box in wich fans ask the reconstruction of villains rule the world and destroying key monuments, very good! i hope warner read this wish list and perhaps will decide to recreate this very important some ways
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    Donner Superman 2 SE (merged thread)

    i would like to know if someone can explain me one little things: in both superman II lester's cut and in the donner's screenplay miss Teschmacher disappear after the fortress of solitude visit with lex ...why? where she is during the rest of the story? no line explain this, about the...
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    Donner Superman 2 SE (merged thread)

    good point! i ask this to moriarty on ain't cool news, i don't understand why don't ask to Donner and Mr Thau this specific things. i think without villains rule the world scene there's no the right scale of drama, and overall is very important for the jor-el speech during the trial, he...
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    Donner Superman 2 SE (merged thread)

    hi Guys on this site i found an important note that i never read before, i don't know where the site take the confirmation of this shot but i love to see this materials perhaps we will see the villains rule the world scene!!! with little little CGI help...
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    Donner Superman 2 SE (merged thread)

    Do you think lester's materials in the donner's cut will be re-touched, in terms of photography, to respect the original and wonderful photography Geoffrey Unsworth has inprinted in the donner's materials for both superman the movie and superman II donner's shooting materials?
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    Donner Superman 2 SE (merged thread)

    sorry , but how donner's scene i cut out with my letter? magical kiss is the lester idea, not donner, donner wants the turning back time but in other site i read that he never shot it...only perry white in the bathroom, i write that i think is better lois keep her memory because they never use...
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    Donner Superman 2 SE (merged thread)

    For the kind attention of Mr. Michael Thau C/C : Mr. Barry Meyer Mr. Alan Horn Mr. Jim Cardwell Milan, 5th february, 2006 Dear Mr. Michael Thau , My name is Andrea Abbatista and I am one of superman big fans from Italy. It’s a great honor for me to write this letter to you...