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  1. Parker Clack

    Heroes season 1 thread

    I believe we are going to see a distant relative of Hiro revealed as the single warrior on the hill.
  2. Parker Clack

    Heroes season 1 thread

    Personally I would have loved to see Hiro run Sylar through and then behead him so he couldn't heal. This would have been a great pay back for all the other "heads" he had removed. Just running him through with the sword isn't going to kill him. I too have wondered what happened to the Haitian...
  3. Parker Clack

    Heroes season 1 thread

    I look forward to the DVDs of this series to see if they include the scenes that have been missing from the aired versions. One of the great things about this show is just when you think you have figured it out they take it in a whole new direction. Parker
  4. Parker Clack

    Heroes season 1 thread

    Did anyone else pick up on the promo shot for the next episode that Sylar is laying down on the floor of his cell looking a bit dead? Do you think that maybe Eden put a thought into Sylar's head before she killed herself that he had to kill himself too? The markings on the characters are...
  5. Parker Clack

    Heroes season 1 thread

    One of the things that I love about the show is that when you think you might have something figured out you are taken in another direction all together different.
  6. Parker Clack

    Heroes season 1 thread

    I wonder if Clare's regenerative power is transferable to someone else. So if Niki is dead can Claire bring her back? Is Niki really dead or just knocked out? Again the show goes by way too fast. Mondays can't get here soon enough.
  7. Parker Clack

    Heroes season 1 thread

    P@ I am with you on this one. As I said before I can hardly wait for the DVD set to come out. This show goes by WAY too fast.
  8. Parker Clack

    Heroes season 1 thread

    The one thing that has really gotten to me is how fast the show goes by and how disappointed I am that the episode ended. I really look forward to the season DVD set. Hopefully the DVD will have additional footage. This is one well written and put together show with high production values and...