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  1. JodyL

    Heroes season 1 thread

    Heroes: Brad: Rather than making vague allusions to things, I would enjoy hearing your views on these subjects in full detail (use spoiler space if needed). Thanks.
  2. JodyL

    Heroes season 1 thread

    Although they are doing everything possible to suggest that he actually eats the brains.....I remember him telling someone that he was "hungry" and I think someone said something about "consuming" their powers. Could be a fake out though.
  3. JodyL

    Heroes season 1 thread

    Geez, surely the writers have earned your trust by now. What a rare show. Regardless what I think of these particular characters, I absolutely trust the writers to redeem this storyline eventually. I assume that something critical will emerge from the conflict in the...
  4. JodyL

    Heroes season 1 thread

    Or "Rogue". Anyone else want to grab a pair of shears and cut that dangling pile of hair that keeps falling down in front of Peter's face? :P
  5. JodyL

    Heroes season 1 thread

    Our son = nice Nikki and nasty Nikki's son. The Sybil "we" (as opposed to, say, the royal "we"). The two Nikkis are aware of each other's separate existences (one seemingly more so than the other).
  6. JodyL

    Heroes season 1 thread

    Mean. Funny. But mean. ;)
  7. JodyL

    Heroes season 1 thread

    Funny stuff. What a wonderful way to get a laugh with my morning coffee. Stuff like this is the best medicine in a sometimes stressful life. I love this forum. It seems to me that the "S" RNA symbol is not the sign of Sylar but the mark of all mutants. I hate looking at my watch about 55...