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  1. Jerry Almeida

    Heroes season 1 thread

    Parkman tried to shoot him, he stopped the bullets. Although he wasn't invincible, just a gun wasn't going to do the trick. However, you're correct, technically a gunshot could kill him. It's probably been addressed a few times, but why couldn't Hiro just stop time and then kill Sylar?
  2. Jerry Almeida

    Heroes season 1 thread

    Didn't he have the opportunity to finish Mohinder off but didn't?
  3. Jerry Almeida

    Heroes season 1 thread

    I know you're referring to the comic from Back to the Future, and I know the scene in this weeks episode where they showed the comics, but I didn't notice that title. Cool none the less.
  4. Jerry Almeida

    Heroes season 1 thread

    Hmm, I guess we have to hope that some of the things they've shared in the graphic novels will be shown in the series. Because while they are neat, I think some may be important to the show, or at least help out while watching. Learning how Hiro got his love for comics and his name is neat...
  5. Jerry Almeida

    Heroes season 1 thread

    I know where you're coming from. I kind of feel/felt the same way. However, they are only about 5 or 6 pages each of basic comic book dialog, so there isn't that much time to be invested in reading them.
  6. Jerry Almeida

    Heroes season 1 thread

    I must have missed this too, can someone please explain?