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  1. Jason Walstrom

    Heroes season 1 thread

    Am I the only one that thought that Missy Peregrym stunk up the joint with her atrocious acting? Wow she pulled me right out of the show. I loved everything else.
  2. Jason Walstrom

    Heroes season 1 thread

    B e s t E p i s o d e E v e r .
  3. Jason Walstrom

    Heroes season 1 thread

    dang blasted double post. Also it looks like the commentary doesnt load with each chapter automatically you have to click it at the bottom.
  4. Jason Walstrom

    Heroes season 1 thread

    Don't know if anyone mentioned this yet but NBC.COM has Last Nights episode up with Commentary with HRG, D.L. and Mohinder hehe i forget their real names. it's a fun commentary, check it out.
  5. Jason Walstrom

    Heroes season 1 thread

    I beg to differ!
  6. Jason Walstrom

    Heroes season 1 thread

    The only reason I assumed that He was eating brains is that the entire brain is missing and the mysterious Aswering maching message he left onf Mohinder's dad's machine. He stated in the message that he was "...So Hungry."
  7. Jason Walstrom

    Heroes season 1 thread

    Absolutely not, it's not required reading at all. I think it's just supposed to be a neat added bonus. I've read them and they contain nothing that is particularly important.
  8. Jason Walstrom

    Heroes season 1 thread

    Hey you're a teenager and your hormones are running rampant. The school quarterback kills you will trying to date rape you, you wake up being autopsied on a table and when you get a chance to question the jerk that you found out has date raped countless other classmates isn't in the least bit...
  9. Jason Walstrom

    Heroes season 1 thread

    Ah yes, The White Event! I actually liked D.P.7. and Psi Force. I thought that too Heroes is the New Universe! Oh No! Kicker's Inc can't be far behind!