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  1. Jason Harbaugh

    Heroes season 1 thread

    I'm thinking that Peter may become a villain and a hero but this might be a setup for the story line of Season 2. The reason I think this is, what will happen to Peter when he comes in contact with Niki/Jessica? Will there be theoretically two Peters out there? One evil, one good. Jessica...
  2. Jason Harbaugh

    Heroes season 1 thread

    I really hope the folks over at "Lost" take a close look at this show. I love Lost, but even I am getting a little annoyed by the dragging of the main plot. Heroes has been giving it up week after week now and they keep coming up with more.
  3. Jason Harbaugh

    Heroes season 1 thread

    I thought it was pretty much laid out that Hiro is going to go back and stop 'Niki' from killing all those people. This will in turn change all of the events that lead up to Niki being killed/unconcious.
  4. Jason Harbaugh

    Heroes season 1 thread

    So can the Cheerleader feel pain? It doesn't appear so, unless she can really hold it in. I think that is what is brilliant about Lost. Each episode is focused on one character, even though you still have the whole group dynamic on the island.
  5. Jason Harbaugh

    Heroes season 1 thread

    It was ok, nothing great so far. I'll still tune in to see if it gets better. We got burned by so many shows like this last year that it is hard to invest yourself in any new show. Bring back Surface will you!?? What is it about trying to simulate amature video that makes it look so fake? It...