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  1. Hanson

    Heroes season 1 thread

    If Syler was the bomb in T1 and Peter was the bomb is T2, then there must be a 3rd party triggering the explosion.
  2. Hanson

    Heroes season 1 thread

    I was under the impression that there is a limit to Hiro's power in that while he could go back in time and directly influence small changes in the timeline (such as the birthday photo), he was unable to stop the girl from dying. As he got close, he disappeared from the timeline. I think there...
  3. Hanson

    Heroes season 1 thread

    Now that they've gotten the ponderous character background/development out of the way, it looks like this show is going to start cooking. I'm glad -- I was thinking about dropping the show (it took me until Saturday to finally watch it), but badass future Hiro is intriguing enough for me to keep...
  4. Hanson

    Heroes season 1 thread

    Don't really have to assume -- just never got into the show. Just too... wait for it, wait for it... slow.
  5. Hanson

    Heroes season 1 thread

    I watch the show, but not that enthusiastically. The problem for me is that while the Hiro storyline is going somewhere and the telepathic cop is starting to get going, the rest are just stuck in neutral. The Nikki storyline is flat out boring. The flying guy is a mopey bore. How many...