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  1. TravisR

    Prison Break Season 2

    I just assumed that Kim was seen as a respected U.S. government official and Michael was seen as a criminal so they just tossed his butt in jail.
  2. TravisR

    Prison Break Season 2

    Yeah, I'm nearly positive that it was Bellick. It'll be fun seeing Michael, Mahone, T-Bag and Bellick have to work together to bust out next season. I'm sure that I'm in the minority but, overall, I liked this season more than the first. This season stopped being a 24 clone (in my opinion)...
  3. TravisR

    Prison Break Season 2

    I always thought that made him look like a badass (a la Clint Eastwood).
  4. TravisR

    Prison Break Season 2

    Take that T-Bag! Although I hope he busts out of that Panamanian prison to get revenge in S3. :) Sarah's trial shows that the legal system continues to move fast in the Prison Break universe. Kellerman's suicide attempt was put together pretty well (like the extreme close up of the hammer).
  5. TravisR

    Prison Break Season 2

    Is Patricia Wetting still on another show? If so, they were stuck with having to deal with the unavailability of an actor and had to do their best to get out of it by writing the character out of the show.
  6. TravisR

    Prison Break Season 2

    Yeah, I'm willing to see what happens in S3 before making a call but I would lean towards saying that they should've finished the show in two years.
  7. TravisR

    Prison Break Season 2

    Yeah that would definitely fall under 'a bit of a stretch' then. :)
  8. TravisR

    Prison Break Season 2

    I just like to assume that T-Bag is a lucky S.O.B. :) Although I think the guy at the airport was the first guy he actually got into a physical fight with and he used his prostesis to knock the guy out. Even minus a hand, I can buy T-Bag taking the vet and he sneak attacked the psychiatriast but...
  9. TravisR

    Prison Break Season 2

    I didn't think of that either. Granted, Scofield's like a super genius though. :) Really dug this episode. I'm looking forward to the Sucre/Bellick team up.
  10. TravisR

    Prison Break Season 2

    Yeah, when the show started it seemed obvious to me that it was an idea that would only be a one season show (a la 24 storylines). When they announced the show would be on a mini-hiatus from December to March, I figured they'd break out of the jail in the last episode before the break and then...
  11. TravisR

    Prison Break Season 2

    Sure, there's worse fates. :) The only thing is that they aren't going to have a show that big in scale featuring so few actors. They'll have to shoehorn more characters into the show which could be good or bad.
  12. TravisR

    Prison Break Season 2

    Yeah, I guess they started shooting in June or July. If not, the finale may air live. :) They've gotten rid of so many characters on this show that I feel bad for the remaining actors because they're going to be in nearly every scene and working nonstop.
  13. TravisR

    Prison Break Season 2

    I'm not into Sucre's plot (but I dig the character) and I liked that they tried to add a different type of story for C-Note but it looks like his story is about to become more interesting. And how can you not enjoy T-Bag's story? He's the man you love to hate and, to me, he's easily the most...
  14. TravisR

    Prison Break Season 2

    Haywire, we hardly knew ye. Seeing T-Bag driving with his 'family' is one of the funniest things ever. :) It's good to see that the wrongfully conivcted Bellick was released from prison.
  15. TravisR

    Prison Break Season 2

  16. TravisR

    Prison Break Season 2

    Actually, I thought both were a little slow (and I'm a huge 24 fan) but both also had some real cool stuff.
  17. TravisR

    Prison Break Season 2

    Bellick beating that guy up was pretty funny. I still can't wait to see T-Bag get his. :) Is this show still going to run uninterrupted (as they said when they announced it was coming back in January)? Prison Break is getting bumped on February 12 for two episodes of 24 so maybe Fox is...
  18. TravisR

    Prison Break Season 2

    It's pretty terrible that Bellick is in jail for something he didn't do. Granted, he's a S.O.B. and an all around bad guy but still it's pretty harsh. That being said, it's good that they're going to be able to give him a new story and keep him on the show. Andres, I'm a fan of T-Bag too. The...
  19. TravisR

    Prison Break Season 2

    Yeah, January 22 (eventhough it's just a clipshow) will be here like that. Pretty cool twist with Kellerman. Has Haywire sailed away yet? Bellick sure got tossed into prison fast. And they say the courts are clogged. :)
  20. TravisR

    Prison Break Season 2

    I like that. :) That actor was on 24 in the first season and he had a sinister air about but in Prison Break, they play him more as a bufoon. When something goes wrong for Bellick now, you expect to hear a "Wah wah waaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh" sound effect.
  21. TravisR

    Prison Break Season 2

    Jeez, the season will be over on March 26.
  22. TravisR

    Prison Break Season 2

    Yeah, I didn't realize that either. Like I said, they said that an episode or two ago so I guess it's been about 8 or 9 days since they got out.
  23. TravisR

    Prison Break Season 2

    T-Bag couldn't use his hand in the episode where they were digging up the money because it was dying or dead. His hand was still alive and working for awhile after the vet reattached it (that's still the most unbelievable part of it all in my mind) and an episode or two ago, the news said that...
  24. TravisR

    Prison Break Season 2

    I'm no doctor but his hand is pretty much dead (and presumably all the nerves and blood vessels in the area) so I don't know if he'd actually bleed or feel all that much pain when he tore the hand off. As for having the physical strength to do it, I recommend just going with it. :)
  25. TravisR

    Prison Break Season 2

    It'll be back on March 19 for the last nine episodes of the season. EDIT: Scott beat me to it. :)
  26. TravisR

    Prison Break Season 2

    Pretty good episode. Given that Michael is supposed to be a decent guy, I'm glad that they showed him feeling bad for all the terrible things that he's caused to happen. I guess T-Bag should be used to losing that hand by now. "A Cleveland what?!" There isn't a high priced hooker in the...
  27. TravisR

    Prison Break Season 2

    Maybe both locations were right on the border? :) I hadn't realized that it was only supposed to be a week since they escaped the prison. It looks like some of that payback came around for T-Bag. I'm guessing that next episode he will become handless again in order to escape.
  28. TravisR

    Prison Break Season 2

    That's exactly how I feel about him too. You know they're building up to some serious retribution for T-Bag though.
  29. TravisR

    Prison Break Season 2

    I was happy to see Sucre didn't sell them out (and that they wanted to take care of C-Note later too) and it was funny as hell to see T-Bag escape with the money.
  30. TravisR

    Prison Break Season 2

    Yeah but if you missed episodes from this season, FX has a marathon of the first 7 episodes starting at noon on Saturday. And then you'll be caught up for episode eight on October 23. EDIT: Forgot to give starting time. :)