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  1. Robert Harris

    DVD Review HTF REVIEW: Guys and Dolls Deluxe Edition

    There should be no problem with these films in HD. We have a wonderful tool box of technology. It is simply a matter of knowing which tools to use to solve which problems and then using the selected tools correctly. RAH
  2. Robert Harris

    DVD Review HTF REVIEW: Guys and Dolls Deluxe Edition

    My point is that the release of "improved" DVDs should not be a trade-off. Color is quite easy to bring back to perfection. The aspect ratio as well as the information contained within that ratio are easy enough to ascertain. It isn't brain surgery to do these properly the first time, and...
  3. Robert Harris

    DVD Review HTF REVIEW: Guys and Dolls Deluxe Edition

    Sony's new release of Guys and Dolls is unacceptable. RAH