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  1. Sebastien S

    The Star Trek Enterprise appreciation and Season 4 discussion thread (this one's for the fans).

    I did not hate it by any means but think it would have been much better had they not mixed in the TNG story (and I'm a HUGE TNG fan) and done the very same episode (10 years in the future) but focused on the "Enterprise" crew/cast only and made it a 2 hr. episode. It would have been accepted...
  2. Sebastien S

    The Star Trek Enterprise appreciation and Season 4 discussion thread (this one's for the fans).

    Hey buddy, I know your trying to prove a point that I "agree" with but don't do it by being a #1 class JERK!!!:angry: I happen to sit in a wheelchair myself 21 hrs a day and have done so all my life, I've also been (and am still) on a "ventilator" and hooked to a "feeding tube" for the...