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  1. Chris Farmer

    ***Official THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST Discussion Thread (including THE PASSION RECUT)

    In addition, it's worth noting that the Gospels (and most of the books of the Bible, for that matter) were written for people who weren't there. That is to say, they were written to fill in details that the people reading it wouldn't have already known. that's why there is no real description of...
  2. Chris Farmer

    ***Official THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST Discussion Thread (including THE PASSION RECUT)

    I don't think that's on DVD Joe, just a different theatrical release. Nowhere does it say the original cut will be made unavailable.
  3. Chris Farmer

    ***Official THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST Discussion Thread (including THE PASSION RECUT)

    I wouldn't expect much in the way of making of on the DVD. I think we'll get something more in line with Schindler's List, with documentaries limited to the subject matter. I mean, when it comes down to it, we all know how it went from controversial to blockbuster, we watched it happen. And is...
  4. Chris Farmer

    ***Official THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST Discussion Thread (including THE PASSION RECUT)

    Just as an FYI, the wiping of Jesus' face by Veronica was not from the writings of Emmerich, but rahter the far older Catholic tradition of the Stations of the Cross, which have been dated conclusively as far back as the 15th century, and are likely even older then that. In fact, if you want a...