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  1. Sean Laughter

    *** Official THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING Discussion Thread

    Actually, aside from reminding people about Boromir, I thought the inclusion of that flashback might have had a practical reason. I don't know what the rules for credits are, but I believe that's the only time one sees Boromir in the entire movie, so I kind of thought it might have been a way to...
  2. Sean Laughter

    *** Official THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING Discussion Thread

    I would looooove to know if you get a response David! You've saved me the trouble of having to email (thankfully so, since I doubt I'd show as much restraint as you and wouldn't have confined myself to just the flying heads issue).
  3. Sean Laughter

    *** Official THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING Discussion Thread

    The way I heard it was that this "he was too young" story is just a "politically correct way" of mentioning the change in public, when it really had nothing to do with his age and more to do with his actual acting work.
  4. Sean Laughter

    *** Official THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING Discussion Thread

    When people think about magic they seem to think of D&D or Final Fantasy style magic where you can create these wide-area spells that cause great damage to large groups of people/monsters. Like Fire3, Meteo, or something like that. The magic in LOTR always seemed more subdued and "practical" to...
  5. Sean Laughter

    *** Official THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING Discussion Thread

    About the geography. I read somewhere how all the geography lined up, but I don't remember what it was, nor do I remember where I read it, or if it was official "Tolkien sanctioned" info or not. I'll see if I can hunt it down, it was either in one of those Tolkien encyclopedias or one of the...
  6. Sean Laughter

    *** Official THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING Discussion Thread

    Star Wars was a movie, LOTR is a movie, oh wow, then that must mean LOTR is a homage to the entire Star Wars trilogy!!!! OMGHI2U!!!!!
  7. Sean Laughter

    *** Official THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING Discussion Thread

    The singing of Billy Boyd was by far one of my most favorite parts of the movie. It was just completely moving between the imagery of Denethor stuffing himself mindlessly and Faramir and his men pretty much riding to their doom.
  8. Sean Laughter

    *** Official THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING Discussion Thread

    Rob, maybe you know the answer to this (as I'm too lazy to look in some of my references to find the answer :) ). In the movie, Frodo says the ship he and Bilbo takes is the last ship leaving for the Undying Lands. However, I could have sworn that Sam later also takes a ship to the Undying Lands...
  9. Sean Laughter

    *** Official THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING Discussion Thread

    I'm from Richmond (suburbs anyway) and I'm not even going to bother reading Neman's review because he's a dumb, pompous prick that just plain doesn't like scifi/fantasy to begin with. I absolutely gave up on him when he revied one of the Star Trek films and complained about a plot point that was...