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  1. Mark_vdH

    *** Official THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING Discussion Thread

    I just get the "error downloading codec" on the media player....
  2. Mark_vdH

    *** Official THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING Discussion Thread

    This was the "planned" ending of the trilogy. IIRC, Peter Jackson (or Fran Walsh) said in his audio commentary for Fellowship Of the Ring that Galadriel would conclude the trilogy, but apparently this was changed later. It doesn't seem likely that he meant it just for the extended version....
  3. Mark_vdH

    *** Official THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING Discussion Thread

    If anything, he was played too well, or too kingly. At least, I didn't think of Aragorn as the stronger king with more charisma (compare the pre-battle speeches for instance). Theoden's confession that it was Aragorn who lead the men during the Helm's Deep battle was a bit unbelievable because...
  4. Mark_vdH

    *** Official THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING Discussion Thread

    Doesn't Elrond say something about a broken line in FOTR too? I watched it a few times, and it certainly is "line", IMO. The Dutch subtitle translator(s) thought the same, BTW.
  5. Mark_vdH

    *** Official THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING Discussion Thread

    Speaking of flashbacks: In the early TTT flashback/dream, does anybody notice that the Frodo scream is timed diferently than in FOTR? In FOTR, he screams "noooooo" after Gandalf falls while in TTT, Frodo screams after Gandalf's "fly you fools" but before Gandalf lets go......
  6. Mark_vdH

    *** Official THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING Discussion Thread

    I would say very reputable from what I've experienced and read. The only thing I hate about them is the fact that your CC gets charged right away. Their re-shipping policies on lost orders are probably the best on the internet, and e-mail enquires get usually answered within a day. And wait...
  7. Mark_vdH

    *** Official THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING Discussion Thread

    I really like the music of The Two Towers' Last March of the Ents but I understand it isn't on the OST cd. Is this correct and, if so, is it also not on the Complete Trilogy soundtrack cd?
  8. Mark_vdH

    *** Official THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING Discussion Thread

    I guess they're referring to the car that's in FOTR (in the background when Frodo and Sam are leaving the Shire). It was digitally (or magically? ;) ) "erased" for the dvd releases, but Peter Jackson says on the commentary track of the EE there is/was absolutely no car in that scene. The...
  9. Mark_vdH

    *** Official THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING Discussion Thread

    Thanks Daniel...... CGI: I thought the worst looking shots of the trilogy were: 1. Legolas on the back of the cave troll. 2. The fellowship running through the mines just after the cave troll fight (and running out of the mines after the Balrog fight). 3. Frodo running into the entrance...
  10. Mark_vdH

    *** Official THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING Discussion Thread

    Thanks for answering my questions. :) One more though: "I looked everywhere for the creature Gollum, but the Enemy found him first", says Gandalf to Frodo at the beginning of FOTR. How do the evil forces know about Gollum having owned the ring?
  11. Mark_vdH

    *** Official THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING Discussion Thread

    One little question for the more knowledgable: The one ring extends Bilbo's life, delaying old age. When the ring goes to Frodo, Bilbo ages very fast in the months that follow. However, Gollum has the ring in his possession for 500 years, has lost it many years (60?) ago, but is still jumping...
  12. Mark_vdH

    *** Official THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING Discussion Thread

    A rumoured extended scene from AICN: Now this is from a non-reader, so it may be very well be ridiculous, but doesn't this piece entirely neglect the fact that Sauron doesn't know Frodo is near Mount Doom with the ring? I mean, if Sauron knows the fellow with the mithril vest is Frodo with...
  13. Mark_vdH

    *** Official THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING Discussion Thread

    Wasn't the "growing" of the hobbits only in the Extended Edition of TTT? If so, a (visual) reference to their changed height would maybe confuse the "regular" audience? EDIT: I recall Jackson(/Walsh/Boyens) saying (I believe during the FOTR commentary) that Galadriel would end the trilogy...