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  1. Mark-W

    *** Official THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING Discussion Thread

    [b]So is anyone else hoping that the extended cut of The Lord of The Rings: The Return of the King gets a theatrical release, if only for a week or two? I was hoping with the great critical and commercial sucess, and now Oscars!!!, that we might get a change to see the extended cut...
  2. Mark-W

    *** Official THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING Discussion Thread

    They said that both Ben-Hur and Titanic won 11 Oscars, but I don't know if either was a sweep...I think Titanic as not a sweep, but I am not sure. Where is Seth Paxton when we need him? :) mark
  3. Mark-W

    *** Official THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING Discussion Thread

    This is the happiest I have ever been with the Oscar outcome... I love it that Peter mentioned Meet The Feebles and Bad Taste. I was also quite touched by his comments regarding his parents, because, just based on the documentary on Bad Taste, they seemed like they really supported Jackson in...
  4. Mark-W

    *** Official THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING Discussion Thread

    Well, I have read most of this thread, and searched all of it, but cannot find anyone who has discussed this, so I will ask it now. If the trolls in The Hobbit turnned to stone when sunlight hit them (and their stone versions got a cameo of sorts in FOTR), then why don't the cave trolls turn...
  5. Mark-W

    *** Official THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING Discussion Thread

    I am another "second screening" viewer who liked it even more the second time, for some reason, the pacing felt better. The audience was equally as well-behaved as the first, with a few people getting told, "I need you to be quiet," after the first credits proper started to roll. One gal...
  6. Mark-W

    *** Official THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING Discussion Thread

    Marcel- Since you asked for feedback from viewers whom have yet to read the books (next on my list now), I will respond. 1) I just thought that Denethor was used to ruling and while merely the steward, was not going to reliquish his throne to a ranger who had proven to have little interest...