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  1. Brent Hutto

    *** Official THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING Discussion Thread

    NickNC, The Dead had in an earlier Age sworn to aid Aragon's distant ancestor in a war. At the last moment they refused to fight and Isildur cursed them. That curse has kept them from their natural deaths for centuries. Aragorn, as Isildur's heir, promised to release them from their curse if...
  2. Brent Hutto

    *** Official THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING Discussion Thread

    The Dwarves' purpose for Gimli joining the Fellowship was pretty much limited to making sure that the Elves (Legolas) didn't end up with their hands on the Ring. Beyond that, their attitude was basically that the rest of the world could have a war if they wanted but the Dwarves have their own...
  3. Brent Hutto

    *** Official THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING Discussion Thread

    As an idealized, dreamy image of a fantasy elven princess I can't imagine anyone more perfect than Liv Tyler as she appears in the role of Arwen. As a woman, I can't imagine anyone more attractive than Miranda Otto as she appears in the role of Eowyn. Cate Blanchett, on the other hand...
  4. Brent Hutto

    *** Official THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING Discussion Thread

    Perry, In earlier ages of the world, it was possible to travel from Valinor to Middle Earth. Valinor is where the Valar (gods) live and is also supposed to be the permanent home of the Elves (firstborn). The plan of Eru (the creator) is for Men to inherit Middle Earth and for the Elves to...
  5. Brent Hutto

    *** Official THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING Discussion Thread

    They return to the Halls of Waiting (common name for the Halls of Mandos) from whence they will eventually be returned to Arda. The spirits of Men who die do not go to await their return to Arda but instead go to a place unknown even to the Valar. It is believed that Eru has a special destiny...
  6. Brent Hutto

    *** Official THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING Discussion Thread

    I saw The Two Towers three times, albeit all in the same theater, including the first show on opening day. The Return of the King on opening day looked much, much better. We just attributed it to being in a different theater that maybe had a better projector but perhaps the print itself was...
  7. Brent Hutto

    *** Official THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING Discussion Thread

    From Josh Lowe: I dunno. That scene worked awfully well for me as presented. It echoed the scene at the end of Fellowship where Aragorn was the only one with Boromir.