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  1. Dean DeMass

    Xbox Live - Group Play - Week of 6/1

    What Joey said. :) -Dean-
  2. Dean DeMass

    Xbox Live - Group Play - Week of 6/1

    BTW Joey, I checked my RPTV this morning, and I did have burn in at the top with the words "CaptDS9e was killed by Grooving". :D -Dean-
  3. Dean DeMass

    Xbox Live - Group Play - Week of 6/1

    Man, my game was crashing constantly around 8:30 PM central time last night. After about the 4th crash, I called it a night. Anyways, I had a lot of fun last night, mostly at Calvin's expense. ;) This annoying, loud mouth, whiny asshole will see you guys online again soon. :) -Dean-