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  1. Stephen Hopkins

    Might be upgrading from my EBS Shiva....opinions wanted

    How would you have to change the ports in an EBS Shiva box to keep the same tuning point when you swapped an AV12 in?
  2. Stephen Hopkins

    Might be upgrading from my EBS Shiva....opinions wanted

    Well the amp i'm using has a rumble filter @ 19hz i beleive, so the added FR wouldn't do me much good, and if the output is basicly the same, I'm not seeing the advantage unless I planned to go sealed (which i don't). I'm a 99% HT listener so I'm guessing the upgrade wouldn't be worth it for me...
  3. Stephen Hopkins

    Might be upgrading from my EBS Shiva....opinions wanted

    Stephen... I also have an EBS Shiva and am considering upgrading this summer... I like my EBS cabinet and would like to do a drop in change, possibly only changing the ports... can you elaborate on the DPL12 drop in replacement? How significant is the performance improvement? Do the ports...