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  1. Ed St. Clair

    ALIEN QUADRILOGY discussion thread (including all the glitches)

    OK! Enough about the problems. Although, good luck too you all. And you may have your very own thread soon. So, here's a 'It Works!'. Best layer change ever for me on Alien TC. Did not even notice it. At all! It's the only disc, I remember, not being jolted by the LC. My Tosh is NO champ at...
  2. Ed St. Clair

    ALIEN QUADRILOGY discussion thread (including all the glitches)

    richardWI, I did use a parcel quote. From you. However, it was NOT in ANY way, intended too be about you. The quote was used for ONE word & ONE word only. To continue a joke made about me. My apologies, for your being associated in any way with my attempt at humor. Someone else, had...
  3. Ed St. Clair

    ALIEN QUADRILOGY discussion thread (including all the glitches)

    Oh, a NOT so helpful hint. To those of you WITHOUT ISF'd 4:3 displays. I have the black level set to where, if the film (widescreen, WITH those fab blk bars) shows black. The black bars on top & bottom will match the film ('same' black). On this film (Alien), when the 'too cool for school'...
  4. Ed St. Clair

    ALIEN QUADRILOGY discussion thread (including all the glitches)

    Sorry. I am ALL pumped up about the new Alien DVD. Watched it for seven hours, till five this morning. All the doc's, the theatrical, & the theatrical w/com. Brilliant! Best yellow I've EVER gotten out of my display! When the yellow alarm lights first go off, in the middle of the ship...