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  1. F

    "A Hard Day's Night" 50th Anniversary restoration Criterion blu-ray confirmed...

    You guys just don't get it. The picture is still not preserved. A 4K scan is not preservation. Nor is a color session a restoration.ask yourself, where does it live after it's finished? The negative needs an Estar Fine Grain. One day they are going to make a crystal ray or something that doesn't...
  2. F

    "A Hard Day's Night" 50th Anniversary restoration Criterion blu-ray confirmed...

    A Hard Day's Night was bankrolled by United Artists. That's a difference then a pick up show. That probably would say, A United Artists Release.
  3. F

    "A Hard Day's Night" 50th Anniversary restoration Criterion blu-ray confirmed...

    The Criterion sound is MUCH better than the other versions.
  4. F

    "A Hard Day's Night" 50th Anniversary restoration Criterion blu-ray confirmed...

    Hi, I just listened to the Miramax DVD. No screaming. And yes, the Walter Shenson card was added for this release. The UA card is back in the FGM, but Criterion didn't keep it. Paul
  5. F

    "A Hard Day's Night" 50th Anniversary restoration Criterion blu-ray confirmed...

    Hi Tony, I believe there was screaming at the beginning. I would have to double check Ron's DAT. But the maintitle is sterile without it. The tragedy here is that the original mag tracks, along with the stems, are gone. That's what has caused all the trouble with the audio. Also, Criterion did...
  6. F

    "A Hard Day's Night" 50th Anniversary restoration Criterion blu-ray confirmed...

    I can, having listened to both the American and British Versions on prints from 1964. There is a Walter Shenson story behind the American Version. He told the technicians to "turn it up!", because the sound was drowned out by screaming. The results were severe over modulation.
  7. F

    "A Hard Day's Night" 50th Anniversary restoration Criterion blu-ray confirmed...

    No, well maybe. I have no comment on the previous soundtracks and the abominations done to it. It was bad.
  8. F

    "A Hard Day's Night" 50th Anniversary restoration Criterion blu-ray confirmed...

    I noticed the titles are off the screen.
  9. F

    "A Hard Day's Night" 50th Anniversary restoration Criterion blu-ray confirmed...

    I would agree. But, that wasn't my point.
  10. F

    Someone at Fox - please evaluate

    Contrary to popular beliefs, Cineric is not a great restoration house. They built the wetgates for Fox. Thay's how they got the projects. And, as much as I dislike them, Fotokem does a much better job at large format titles. See Lawrence of Arabia and Cleopatra as an example. Fotokem just...
  11. F

    "A Hard Day's Night" 50th Anniversary restoration Criterion blu-ray confirmed...

    Interesting. I just screened the MPI, Miramax and Criterion DVDs. Since there was no Blu Ray comparason. For all the work, scanning the original at 4K, etc. I liked the picture on both the MPI and Miramax versions better. I found that in the Criterion version, the blacks were crushed and it was...
  12. F

    "A Hard Day's Night" 50th Anniversary restoration Criterion blu-ray confirmed...

    The UA logo thing is very strange. I made a point of reinserting it back into the Fine Grain. Also, the aspect ratio is 1:66. If you screen it at 1:37 you'll see empty seats at the top in the R 10.