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  1. Barquero

    Movies that SHOULD'VE had a sequel...but didn't

    Gee, why doesn't Hollywood churn out a sequel for every freakin' movie ever made for christ's sake! Don't you guys think your getting just a little carried away?
  2. Barquero

    The Lord Of The Rings (Bakshi)

    Hmmm... I for one have always liked the unique overall style of the film, and really don't understand the negative backlash towards the rotoscoping animation, or pacing of it. It's really not that bad at all... with the exception of the very begining.
  3. Barquero

    Movies that promised a sequel but didn't deliver

    What in the hell has happened to Hollywood? It now seems that every movie that garners a considerable gross these days, is a prime candidate for a sequel or franchise. And what really gets me is it's almost always the bad infuence trash that pop-culture thrives on. I just can't wait for 2012...
  4. Barquero

    LOTR: ROTK- EE DVD case colour ?

    It seems to me that the DVD case for The Two Towers (EE) should have been of charcoal color with hints of very dark blue. This would match some of the dominant color schemes and moods within the movies most important scenes and locations, that obviosly include: Helm's Deep, Fangorn Forrest and...