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  1. Ufdah

    Attention Sammy DLP Owners...Gaming Delay Problems????

    I've played Gamecube through an RCA in on my dad's 50" Samsung DLP and experienced zero lag. If it was there it was less than 30ms, not noticeable.
  2. Ufdah

    Pulled the trigger on Sharp PG-A10X

    I just purchased a Sharp PG-A10X for our church to use in classrooms and it has been a very impressive unit. I'm actually going to bring it home some time this month to see how well it does. My pastor used it at home and said that it was really incredible.
  3. Ufdah

    junction box for speaker wire?

    Well you can do whatever you want but there's a possibilty of the AC putting some noise into your speaker cable and even feeding back to the amp creating a humm in all the speakers. It's best to stay a few inches away from any AC power wires and if you have to cross any do it at 90 degree angles...
  4. Ufdah

    Drawing Up New Plans and Need Some Tips!

    No www needed, just copy and paste. I appreciate you trying to take a look, I'm really excited to get this house built and want to get the sound as good as possible within my constraints.
  5. Ufdah

    Drawing Up New Plans and Need Some Tips!

    I'm in the process of drawing up some plans for a house I'm going to build this summer and could use a few tips. The things that are flexible on this plan are the ceiling height 9' or 10', the placement of the door on the west wall and speaker placement. Everything else has to stay, the wife has...