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  1. Mythias

    Stargate SG:1 - Season 7

    Perhaps he's going to be one of the cast of Stargate: Atlantis coming out at the end of this year (or so I hear) which focuses around finding the Ancients and the Lost City (which is supposed to be Atlantis.) If so, I'm excited. I really like Corin Nemec, he's a great actor. Parker Lewis...
  2. Mythias

    Anyone else draw the line with the Holodeck...?

    There was an episode of The Outer Limits that dealt with the problem of matter transportation that is very relevant to this conversation. Some friendly aliens are trying to teach us how to use matter transporting, but they have given us a rule or two that may never be broken: Rule: Once...
  3. Mythias

    Futurama on Adult Swim censored?

    I noticed that same censor, though I thought the bleeped word was S*IT. Doesn't make sense to sensor Jesus. Must have been too controversial, seeing as how Jesus supposedly rose from the dead and was NOT a zombie (or maybe he was.) Makes you think.
  4. Mythias

    Networking Ps2's

    If you're hooking one PS2 up directly to another via ethernet cable you most likely need to use a crossover cable rather than a standard ethernet cable. This allows you to not require a hub/switch in the middle.