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  1. Freddie Z

    Draft Day

    Had the opportunity to watch an advanced screening of Draft Day starring Kevin Costner and Jennifer Garner. It was quite enjoyable as it deals with the NFL football draft and the wheelings and dealings that occur during draft day. As a sports fan I am quite familiar with what usually happens...
  2. Freddie Z


    I was really looking forward to this movie. However, I really only want to see the original director's cut, not the Weinstein cut. Original cut is only 126 minutes and Harvey Weinstein ordered (yes, ordered) 20 minutes to be cut for the North American release to make it more "accessible" to...
  3. Freddie Z

    The Mortal Instruments : City of Bones

    I thought the light saber duel between Luke and Vader was pretty good. Princess Leia using her force powers was kinda cool too. Oh and Lena Headey as Queen Amidala was smoking hot. Other than that, the movie was MEH.
  4. Freddie Z

    Box Office - Post MOS syndrome

    Just an observation. If you look at the box office results pre Man of Steel, action movies did quite well. From Iron Man 3 to Furious 6 to Star Trek Into Darkness. Post MOS, family films and comedies have done great. The only action film that overperformed was World War Z, but it only opened...