Search results

  1. Brad_See

    DVD Rental vending machine at local grocery store

    So yesterday I was grocery shopping and I checked out and saw a strange looking new machine. I went and checked it out and it's a DVD rental machine. You insert a credit or debit card, select a movie or movies and it dispenses them and charges you 1 dollar per day. Not a bad deal! You bring the...
  2. Brad_See

    Local DVD goldmine!

    I don't know if ya'll usually have these kinds of threads here but just thought I'd share my fortune. The other day I stopped by a pawn shop that I hadn't been to here in Waco. Yeah, yeah...we've all been to pawn shops and the ones I've been to usually don't have that great of a selection and...
  3. Brad_See

    Goodbye BIC, hello JBL.

    Well, after a lot of looking around I think I'm about to order some JBL E10's for the rear and E30's for my new fronts. For a good while I was actually set on ordering BIC America Venturi DV62si's for fronts and rears. I really thought that's what I was going to get because I didn't think there...
  4. Brad_See

    Anyone heard BIC America D26 bookshelves?

    I've been digging my BIC DV62CLRs center channel for a while and I've been planning on buying 2 sets of BIC DV62si's for my fronts and rears but now I'm kind of eyeing a set of the BIC D26's for my rears. Has anyone had or heard that particular speaker that could give feedback. Especially...
  5. Brad_See

    Need help: Listen to this on LoTR: FotR disc

    Can some of you do me a favor? Go to the second disc of Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Rings where the fellowship is about to be attacked by orcs and the cave troll at the tomb in the mines of Moria. Turn up your system loud and when Gimli says something like "There is one dwarf in Moria...
  6. Brad_See

    Running speaker wire through walls

    I'm sure this has been covered before here but I couldn't find much on it with a search. I'm moving into a new house and I'm planning on running speaker wire from my receiver, up through the wall and through the attic and then down to my rear surrounds which will probably be ceiling mounted. I...
  7. Brad_See

    Do any of you ceiling mount your front speakers?

    Does it mess up sound relative to the action on-screen if you ceiling mount your front speakers? If consistency with the center channel is an issue then what if I also ceiling mounted that at the same level? I'm moving into a new house and I just can't figure out any other way to set up the...
  8. Brad_See

    Matcing - BIC DV62CLR-S w/ Fluance front/surrounds

    Ok, I'm sure you've all been waiting on the edge of your seats in breathless anticipation to see whether I would choose Fluance or BIC America for my HT speakers ( that silence the sound of grand indifference? ;) ). Well, I'm replacing the center first and I'm pretty much set on getting...
  9. Brad_See

    Does the Dayton really go to 25hz?

    Hey ya'll. I've had my Dayton 100 watt sub from partsexpress for probably 6 to 7 months now and I've been very pleased with it in my apt (although we'll see how it does in the house that I'm moving to in two weeks). My question is does anyone know if this amp truly reproduces fundamental down to...
  10. Brad_See

    Flaunce vs. BIC for 5.1+music

    Hey all! This is my first post here and I joined basically to ask this question but I'm sure I'll have more questions in the future. I'm about to start a piece by piece replacement of my current HT speakers as we move from an apartment into a new house. I am on a budget though so I'm thinking...