Search results

  1. Blaine P

    Ceiling speakers for surround

    I will be forced to use in-ceiling speakers for the 3 rear surrounds in my 6.1 HT. I will be using Paradigm Atoms and CC-170 in front. My ceiling is 9 feet tall with each rear speaker 2 to 3 feet behind the listener. My question: is it more important to have timbre matching surrounds...
  2. Blaine P

    Paradigm or HTD

    I have pretty much decided on Paradigm Atoms, CC-170, PRD-8 sub and CS-50 for my HT setup. However, I can't get the Home Theater Direct (HTD) Level 2 out of my mind which has comparable specs and is several hundred dollars less. My question to you experts: Is HTD even comparable to Paradigm...
  3. Blaine P

    Paradigm setup questions

    I have decided to go with the following HT setup which fit my home decor (thus smaller fronts) and budget (same): 1. Paradigm Atoms fronts 2. Paradigm CC-170 center 3. Paradigm PDR-8 sub (will likely upgrade to PDR-10 next year with the 100% credit offered). 4. Paradigm CS-50R in-ceiling...
  4. Blaine P

    Help with Speaker Purchase!

    Alright, after much researching/reading on the web and sound tests, I have narrowed it down to the following choices for my 6.1 system and need help from you experts: 1. Paradigm - Atoms in front, CC-70 center channel, PDR8 sub and matching Paradigm in-ceiling speakers or Cinema 90's for the...
  5. Blaine P

    Help with startup 6.1 system

    I am looking for a 6.1 system on a budget and would appreciate any help you guys could provide: My needs: 1. 6.1 surround (new house already wired) for 275 square foot room. 2. System will be used 50/50 between music and home theater, thus I am hoping to get a system good for both. 3...