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  1. Andrew S-

    News on Adire product changes.

    Dan finally released some info on the upcoming changes due to the Chile build house and I thought I would share before anyone got into any new designs...
  2. Andrew S-

    Sony Grand Wega 42" LCD...suggested alternatives?

    I have been shopping around for a large screen for awhile now. I was originally going to get a CRT but ended up walking by the Grand Wega 50" and falling in love. The price tag at the time was more than I wanted to spend though so I just put it off until I could forget about how much better the...
  3. Andrew S-

    USB Universal IR ??

    Any recommendations on a universal USB IR reciever? I have seen a few here and there for $50 that are built upon request but I was hoping there was something more commercial and cheaper.
  4. Andrew S-

    Which sound card?

    What sound card do you recommend that has digital outs? Currently using a mic jack/rca converter to my denon 1603 and there is a ton of noise before I can crank it to the desired level. Any suggestions?
  5. Andrew S-

    driver to play from 5khz and down?

    Awhile ago I picked up some old JL passive crossovers and I am looking to make some bookshelves with them. If I remember correctly they are crossed at 5khz with a 6db slope. Any suggestions on drivers to mate with these? I was thinking the Adire Koda. Wouldnt want to spend more than they...
  6. Andrew S-

    Quick and Initial Review on the Fluance SM938 They are being powered by the front channels of my denon 1603. Recieved the Speakers on Thursday. They seem to have good customer service. I had emailed them with a few questions prior to purchase and they answered quickly and politely. I ordered the...
  7. Andrew S-

    1500-2000w amp for sub...under $300 possible?

    subject says it all i need an amp for my sub that does 1500-2000w into either 2ohms or 8ohms. if possible i would like to spend under $300. i dont mind buying used of ebay either. any suggestions?
  8. Andrew S-

    32" or 36" for $500ish

    looking for a 32" or 36" for $500ish. any recommendations on sets to look at. only requirement so far is an optical out. HD would be nice for future.
  9. Andrew S-

    200 CD changer

    looking to get a 200 CD changer. there was a jvc on ebay for like $150 that i thought about getting but that seemed real cheap. how much should i expect to spend on a decent one?
  10. Andrew S-

    best wires to use?

    My TV has analog RCAs and an S-Video connection and this is how i currently hooked up to my reciever. however, my DVD players has the color difference cables, a dixital Coax, S-video, and the Analog RCA. whats the best way to conenct it? its currently conencted with analog RCA and an S-video...
  11. Andrew S-

    Set of towers for bedroom

    i am looking to buy a set of fairly cheap(less than 400US) tower or floor standing speakers for my bedroom. will be used 70% for music with a denon 1603. to be honest my ears havent been trained enough to tell the difference in most speakers. i can hear differences in a $100 speaker and a...
  12. Andrew S-

    receiver for around $200

    looking for a receiver that is around $200. can be more but less than $300. will be used for music and movies in a small bedroom but will be used mostly with cable tv. any suggestions?