Search results

  1. Greg Patterson

    direct tv mpeg 4

    Does anyone know when Direct Tv will begin offering mpeg 4 equipment and service. I'm holding off on my satellite purchase until the new equipment is available. I thought it was supposed to be available in Sept. Then it changed to Oct and now Nov. Does anyone know if it will be this month? I'm...
  2. Greg Patterson

    hooking up dual subs

    If I want to hook up dual subs can I use a y splitter off of my LFE output on my reciever (Kenwood 6070). Or is there a better way?
  3. Greg Patterson

    does anyone here work in home theater industry?

    I've been in the same industry since 1996 and I am starting to get a little burnt out and frustrated. I really love home theater as a hobby and think that I would enjoy a job in the HT industry. However I don't have any kind of professional experience that would translate except for sales...
  4. Greg Patterson

    JBL studio series with kenwood 6070

    The Mrs. gave me the ok to upgrade my speakers in a few months! I have a question about how well they will work with my receiver which is a Kenwood 6070. I wont be getting a seperate amp. for at least a year or more. The speakers that I am thinking about are JBL studio series. The set up would...
  5. Greg Patterson

    T2 extreme wont play in my DVD player

    I bought the new T2 extreme edition DVD and when I put disk 1 in my player I got an error message that said something like " cant play this type of disk " . My player is a Panasonic DVD A120. It is about 3 yrs old. Can anyone tell me why this is happening? Is this disk only compatible with newer...
  6. Greg Patterson

    1 speaker or 2 for ES and EX

    I just ordered a Kenwood vr6070 and I'm a little confused about how to set up the 6th speaker or speakers for listening to ES or EX. I have not received it yet but I viewed the owners manual on the internet. The owners manual suggests using 2 speakers for the rear 6th channel surround but the...
  7. Greg Patterson

    JBL satts. opinion?

    I'm committing a cardinal sin and buying speakers before actually hearing them. Well thats not completely true I heard them once, about 1 or 2 years ago, for about 1 min. when they were displayed on a shelf. Any hoo, I was wondering if anyone had an opinion on JBL scs135's. I'm hooking them up...