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  1. Shane Dodson

    Uh-oh! Question about Samsung HL56A650...

    To make a short story even shorter, my son accidently threw our Wii controller into the screen of my new Samsung HL56A650 (less than a month old). He wasn't wearing the wrist strap...and BAM! Anyhoo...there is a small crack in the lower left of the screen. The picture itself isn't affected...
  2. Shane Dodson

    HBO is showing STAR WARS EPISODE II in it's OAR!!!

    Just in case anybody is interested... This month, HBO is showing ATTACK OF THE CLONES in HD in it's original 2.35:1 aspect ratio. Needless to say, the HD picture is spectacular. Fire up your DVRs. Regards, - Shane D.
  3. Shane Dodson

    REVENGE OF THE SITH DVD Review up and running...(let the flood begin)(SNEAK LOOK POST #146)... I'm not sure if there's any other DVD review site that has reviewed this title yet, so I can't say for sure this is the first one, but expect more to flood in any day (or minute) now. That said, the review itself is a bit maddening. The...
  4. Shane Dodson

    Moonlighting: The Series....November 2004

    This word coming from the man himself. I'm not sure if this info has popped up on another thread, but there you go. It's about time. Regards, - S.D.
  5. Shane Dodson

    Removing the grill on an SVS....?

    Yesterday I noticed a rattling noise coming from my 25-31PCi. I looked down the port and noticed what appeared to be paper-like material that separated from the inside of the port. When the bass would kick in, I would hear the sound of paper rattling. Is there any way to remove the grill from...
  6. Shane Dodson

    Some extra info re.: Episode 1 DVD....

    This hasn't been mentioned before, but I thought it was of some interest... Towards the end of the Deleted Scenes Documentary (which is great, BTW), we are treated to some extra shots from the "Great Duel" sequence that didn't make it into the final cut, as well some extra shots from the space...