Recent content by Franklin Sadnoy

  1. F

    HTF REVIEW: "Family Guy" Volume One

    Fox did not use all the commentaries that were recorded for the box set(s).... seems that they weren't too stoked on what the people had to say. And since Fox is flipping the bill......
  2. F

    HTF REVIEW: "Family Guy" Volume One

    Osama is cut.... don't ask how I know. As far as the "jagged edges", did anyone ever think that's the way it was originally aired (quality-wise)? Just because it's on DVD doesn't mean it's pristine.... maybe the source material looks that way. There are a LOT of lackluster sources out there...
  3. F

    HTF REVIEW: "The Best of the Muppet Show" Volumes 3 &4 (with screenshots)

    Why? Call it professional curiosity.... I work in the DVD industry. -fs
  4. F

    HTF REVIEW: "The Best of the Muppet Show" Volumes 3 &4 (with screenshots)

    Are the Muppet DVD's single or dual layer format?