Recent content by Bill Eberhardt

  1. Bill Eberhardt

    The "Absolute, Bar None, No Holds Barred, Best Recording You Own" thread

    "Licht en Liefde" by Dana Winner on SACD is an excellent recording.
  2. Bill Eberhardt

    TV on DVD. Why do you buy it?

    I don't want to give anyone the impression that I'm anti-DVD. I'm just getting more selective in my purchases. My DVD Profiler listing shows 1051 titles including all of the Star Trek season sets, Six Feet Under, Sex in the City, Band of Brothers, Red Dwarf, Babylon 5, CSI, and Sports Night...
  3. Bill Eberhardt

    TV on DVD. Why do you buy it?

    Since this has gotten around to TiVo's I'll chip in with what I know about them. I'll discuss the DirecTivo since that is what I have and am familiar with. Cost of installation: $0 I've seen three room packages with one TiVo and installation advertised for free. Additional TiVo's are $99...
  4. Bill Eberhardt

    How do you decide?

    I started watching Northern Exposure a few weeks ago and got sucked into it. Great show, I don't know why I missed it when it first came out. I like it enough to buy the DVDs but it's on 4 or 5 nights a week so I don't feel the need to go out and get it right now. Plus they just ran the pilot...
  5. Bill Eberhardt

    How do you decide?

    I don't buy anything that I can find on a TiVo wishlist - which is most of them.
  6. Bill Eberhardt

    Is it BARE in mind or BEAR in mind?

    Bear in mind my mind is bare.
  7. Bill Eberhardt

    Hyphenated names--they must be stopped

    My wife's parents gave their daughters only a first and last name so that when they got married they could keep their family name as a middle name and add on their husband's name for a last name, with no hyphen.
  8. Bill Eberhardt

    I confess...I'm sick of beer. I hate it.

    If your only exposure to beer is the likes of Coors, Budweiser, Miller or even some of the lesser mass-produced brews, then I can understand why you would not like beer. I don't particularly care for them myself. According to Michael Jackson (the beer hunter, not the perv), there are...
  9. Bill Eberhardt

    I confess...I'm sick of beer. I hate it.

    Relax, there is a place for you in society. Y'all can be the designated drivers.
  10. Bill Eberhardt

    The greatest car to appear on the big-screen....article on BBC

    I'll put in a vote for the Yellow Rolls-Royce.
  11. Bill Eberhardt

    How many HTFers does it take to change a light bulb?

    None - HTFers are NOT afraid of the dark.
  12. Bill Eberhardt

    Pawn Shop finds: Yippie, 'Bone Collector' and 'Galaxy Quest' for $6/each.

    I hate it when that happens! I'll pass over what I think is a marginal film and then when I get home I'll just happen to read a comment on it that will heighten my interest. Of course it's gone - it's always gone when I go back. The only DVDs I don't see at pawn shops are concert DVDs. For...
  13. Bill Eberhardt

    Stuck in traffic The Mousetrap I feel this is one of the most unique interchange names in the US. Everyone in the metro calls it this, from drivers to the media to CDOT. The "Mousetrap" name dates from the late 1960s when airborne traffic reporter Don Martin observed...
  14. Bill Eberhardt

    Weird insect found in my room.

    That tarantula story has been going around the internet in one form or another for as long as I can remember. The most popular variation has a lady poaching a cactus in Arizona and taking it home and putting it in her living room. She notices the cactus is moving slightly and... well, you know...