Recent content by Alan K

  1. Alan K

    What Am I Doing Wrong

    I'm with Lew, it sounds like you've got a weak signal. My suggestion is to spend less money on the cables and get a decent HD receiver. At my work, we get returns on the Hughes boxes all the time. Get something with a DVI out on it, like the Samsung or the Sony, both of which seem to do pretty...
  2. Alan K

    DirectTV questions

    A new house with RG59 run? Wow, every new house I've ever heard of uses RG6. Yes, you do need to use RG6, at least from the dish to the box you do. You could use RG59 from the box to the TV, but you should really be using S-video at the least. RG6 uses a thicker center conductor to handle the...
  3. Alan K

    Veruca Salt- any recommendations for similar groups..

    Also check out Lush's Split and either of Medicine's two albums from the early 90's.
  4. Alan K

    Need help placing Simpsons episode

    Thank you! This has been bugging me for days.
  5. Alan K

    Need help placing Simpsons episode

    Me and a friend were joking about this one character, but neither of us could place the episode. It's driving me nuts.:confused: Ok, I'll try to describe it as best I can. He had a conversation with Homer(?) and he would respond saying "YES?" and "YES!" and then something about he had a...
  6. Alan K

    Top 10 albums of the 1990's

    10. that Dog-(self-title); Always a proponent of the underdog (pun highly intended) I loved this the first time I heard it. Grungy guitar+harmonizing females+violin=surprisingly good album. Plus they were pals with Weezer. Unfortunately their following albums were a disappointment. Oh...
  7. Alan K

    "Unreal" gas pricies

    99.9 cents/gallon today. I haven't seen it go below a buck a gallon in Los Angeles since about '95.
  8. Alan K

    Congratulate me, I did it.

    Congratulations, that is impressive. I myself have been on a similar training schedule. Just replace "Cardio-Kickboxing" with "napping" and "mile run" with "beer chug". :) Seriously, congratulations on your accomplishment.
  9. Alan K

    Anybody into astronomy?

    I'd like to buy a basic beginner's telescope for my father for christmas and would like to spend $100-$120. Any suggestions on where the best deals are and general advice would be appreciated.
  10. Alan K

    Does anyone else miss Sports Night?

    I know there weren't very many episodes, but are there reruns out there anywhere?
  11. Alan K

    Does anyone else miss Sports Night?

    Or is it just me? I thought it was one of the most innovative shows I've ever seen.
  12. Alan K

    favorite simpson episode>?

    I agree with You Only Move Twice. Although I really like the one when Bart works at the burlesque house, just for the song at the end.
  13. Alan K

    The Eternal Simpsons Quote Thread

    Lenny-Let's make litter of these literati! Carl-That's too clever-you're one of them! You don't win friends with salad! You don't win friends with salad!