Recent content by ScottRE

  1. ScottRE

    Official STAR WARS Saga Discussion Thread: Part 5

    Finn was screwed too. He had an incredibly interesting history and character set up. Instead of riding horses on top of star destroyers, he should have been turning storm troopers to the cause. TBH, they all got screwed. Rise of Skywalker was an apology to the toxic portion of the fanbase when...
  2. ScottRE

    Scott Atwell Star Trek Discussion thread (Series and Films)

    Those were the most exciting times for me. One show, surviving only on fan devotion, with so much tie in merch. And so little of it was accurate, but I didn't care. Accuracy was in my TV broadcasts, my imagination took over everywhere else. Star Trek fandom was a special little fan club and I...
  3. ScottRE

    International Via Vision Entertainment announces new premium Blu-ray label IMPRINT

    I'm not the biggest fan of Randall and Hopkirk, but I do love the ITC catalogue in general and this is a reasonable price for Imprint. $79.65 USD. The bonus features and alternate credit options are sweeeet. I may go for it. Feels like they're gonna release whatever they can from ITC, and when...
  4. ScottRE

    Scott Atwell Star Trek Discussion thread (Series and Films)

    As he went along, the books got to be more faithful. So he had to have gotten closer to the final scripts as I doubt he watched the show even when it ran where he was. His wife, J.A. Lawrence (and his daughter as well I've heard), pitched in as ghost writers in the mid-later books until the...
  5. ScottRE

    MeTV Toons Channel

    Yeah some Herculoids, Space Ghost and Thundarr would be nice.
  6. ScottRE

    Pre-Order Friends: The Complete Series (1994-2004) (4k UHD) Available for Preorder

    If it wasn't running endlessly every night on my bedroom TV as I came to bed, I might tell my wife about this. But she pretty much just lets it run and run and run. We have the DVDs in case it stops running on regular TV, so that'll do her.
  7. ScottRE

    Scott Atwell Star Trek Discussion thread (Series and Films)

    Ah the obligatory "Troi meets a guy" episode. She had a few of them. They mostly stunk. They didn't do right by her until they got her into uniform.
  8. ScottRE

    Official STAR WARS Saga Discussion Thread: Part 5

    Well, let's not male shame here. Being male doesn't make you resent females in Star Wars. Being a hate filled a-hole does. Basement dwelling shut ins who never had an intimate experience beyond their own hand are the reason Rose was marginalized and Rise of Skywalker was a 2 and half hour...
  9. ScottRE

    Scott Atwell Star Trek Discussion thread (Series and Films)

    The first few books in the series were not well received by the Star Trek writing staff. Mainly because Blish left out so much and did early drafts. I thought they were fascinating for all the differences, but the volume you just read was a real cause for alarm for the staff. Over the next...
  10. ScottRE

    Scott Atwell Star Trek Discussion thread (Series and Films)

    I was never a fan of Trek's full on comedies, but enjoy The Trouble with Tribbles because that one at least has everyone reacting in character. Which makes it genuinely funny to me rather than absurd. I do find myself appreciating some of the later 3rd season episodes more than I expected. Even...
  11. ScottRE

    Scott Atwell Star Trek Discussion thread (Series and Films)

    I'm just coming to the end of a "production number order" rewatch of the original series. A few episodes I haven't seen in years. A number are better than I remembered. A few...well, let's just say I probably won't be revisiting I, Mudd or A Piece of the Action any time before I die.
  12. ScottRE

    Scott Atwell Star Trek Discussion thread (Series and Films)

    I was able to get programs from the first 4 movies practically mint a few years ago. I love when things which mean a lot to me for nostalgia and sentimental value have very little financial worth. Makes it so much easter to get them.
  13. ScottRE

    Any The Fall Guy News?

    I don't remember but I feel like most of the songs in The Greatest American Hero were covers. The show is unwatchable as is, especially when the songs are tied into the plot or the action on screen. "Eve of Destruction" in the episode "Operation: Spoilsport" for example, has bee replaced by a...
  14. ScottRE

    Scott Atwell Star Trek Discussion thread (Series and Films)

    Well, The Doomsday Machine is my all time favorite Star Trek story. Literally, franchise wide. So I will always suggest that. Journey to Babel and The Ultimate Computer are also great space-bound episodes. Bread and Circuses is also a good adventure with biting satire.
  15. ScottRE

    Scott Atwell Star Trek Discussion thread (Series and Films)

    Ha, how dare you?! :D Funny, I did remember that I - do - have one season of TNG on Blu Ray. Season 5 of all years, so I said, why not? I popped in the first disc and watched "Redemption II." Aside from the cheesiness of the Klingons head-butting each other for fun (which was over the top even...