Recent content by Grubert

  1. Grubert

    UHD Review A Few Words About A few words about...™ - Once Upon a Time in the West -- in 4k UHD

    Do you remember if that Rising scene was in this full version?
  2. Grubert

    UHD Review A Few Words About A few words about...™ - Once Upon a Time in the West -- in 4k UHD

    I assume with the Rising scene it is just that they say: "we have , we keep it" And they do not think about how that scene changes the film's narrative strategy. And how that scene makes the later scene with Harmonica's return a little less amazing. (but of course really only a little) You...
  3. Grubert

    UHD Review A Few Words About A few words about...™ - Once Upon a Time in the West -- in 4k UHD

    Yes, here it is: But this is the ending form the long Italian version, and as such not the reference for the theatrical version, which is with its few differences yet unreleased on home disc in any country. The theatrical version ends at 7:41 in the video, unless it's a version with the...
  4. Grubert

    UHD Review A Few Words About A few words about...™ - Once Upon a Time in the West -- in 4k UHD

    Glenn Erickson on OuTW in 4K and on the film itself: He also knows that Video Watchdog piece ...
  5. Grubert

    UHD Review A Few Words About A few words about...™ - Once Upon a Time in the West -- in 4k UHD

    Not to correct you, but you both saw the film several times on its release, and I only thought it might be interesting for you to compare your memories. It is interesting that there were probably also 135 min versions, and at the same time also still some uncut versions. The Wild Bunch was also...
  6. Grubert

    UHD Review A Few Words About A few words about...™ - Once Upon a Time in the West -- in 4k UHD

    Did you check this article from one who also watched it countless times in 1969:
  7. Grubert

    UHD Review A Few Words About A few words about...™ - Once Upon a Time in the West -- in 4k UHD

    Just wrong I think, and the article by Lloyd describes how that could happen. According to that one it was most likely correct even in the short versions. In all the 4 versions before, the Finale was played until the film ends (it seems even in the freeze frame version).
  8. Grubert

    UHD Review A Few Words About A few words about...™ - Once Upon a Time in the West -- in 4k UHD

    Meanwhile it is also confirmed that the closing music is again the wrong one ... sigh ... Morricone composed a piece which is called Finale, which, as a variation of the Jill/America theme, only appears in that form at the end of the movie. It's the last track on the soundtrack LP, and it would...
  9. Grubert

    UHD Review A Few Words About A few words about...™ - Once Upon a Time in the West -- in 4k UHD

    Ok, but then, with all the large bonus material on the same disc, both versions have only far less than 25 GB on that Blu?
  10. Grubert

    UHD Review A Few Words About A few words about...™ - Once Upon a Time in the West -- in 4k UHD

    Btw a question, the 2011 Blu had 2 versions on a 50 GB disc, but the so called "Scorsese version" had different colors apart from a few extra seconds. But with different colors that couldn't be done with seamless branching, or could it? Length of the new disc is 165:49 The 2 versions on the...
  11. Grubert

    UHD Review A Few Words About A few words about...™ - Once Upon a Time in the West -- in 4k UHD

    Of course, the 1969 release version is the one to go for. So far I think it was the same version in all countries where the film was released uncut. Unlike GBU, for which UA created their own 161 min version, and only in Italy Leone's 178 min version was released (without the grotto scene)...
  12. Grubert

    UHD Review A Few Words About A few words about...™ - Once Upon a Time in the West -- in 4k UHD

    Just Paramount as distributor, they paid for the film, and got for that the international rights except for Italy. A quite similar situation for UA and GBU. I think they just made it after the film's box office was not to their expectations. In the UK it seems the uncut version was presented...
  13. Grubert

    UHD Review A Few Words About A few words about...™ - Once Upon a Time in the West -- in 4k UHD

    Yes, it seems that OuTW was released for 3 months uncut in the USA, and then all theatrical copies were manually cut down to 144 min. The continuity problems led to the including of the Rising scene in a 3rd version (146 min) in Nov 70, and it seems at that point the cuts were also made on the...
  14. Grubert

    UHD Review A Few Words About A few words about...™ - Once Upon a Time in the West -- in 4k UHD

    I think there are enough 35 mm copies still around to proof how the exact version should be. How the theatrical version was. Even all the uncut VHS releases of the 80s could tell us that. If the OCN is not still there where it should be, it should still be possible to research that. A guy named...
  15. Grubert

    UHD Review A Few Words About A few words about...™ - Once Upon a Time in the West -- in 4k UHD

    The 178 min version is not the one I'm interested in, it's just a longer special version, not a DC, but why was it never released on a bonus disc? It is at least interesting for every big OuTW fan to watch it once, now that it exists. But the point about the Paramount version is that it is not...