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WTB: Cheap plate amp for a Tempest sub (1 Viewer)

Justin Ward

Supporting Actor
Jun 6, 2002
I am interested in buying a plate amp for a DIY subwoofer project. It must have at least 200 watts power into 4 ohms. It must have a rumble filter(it will be used with a ported design). I would be very interested in a used, but in good shape, AVA 250 amp or one of the PE 250 watt amps. A Canadian seller would be ideal, I am looking to spend less than $250 Canadian.

Justin Ward

Supporting Actor
Jun 6, 2002
I have considered both of those amps. The sub 100 is a little low on power and features and the AVA250 is a bit pricey(for me)once taxes and shipping are considered. Plus the sub 100 has a built in 6dB boost at 35hz.

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