Oct 7, 2018 #1 of 2 Ronald Epstein Founder Owner Moderator Senior HTF Member Joined Jul 3, 1997 Messages 68,200 Real Name Ronald Epstein The price link below will take you directly to the product on Amazon. If you are using an adblocker you will not see link.
The price link below will take you directly to the product on Amazon. If you are using an adblocker you will not see link.
Nov 15, 2018 #2 of 2 Jason_V Senior HTF Member Joined May 7, 2001 Messages 9,115 Location Orlando, FL Real Name Jason I snagged this earlier in the week for just under $20 ($19.32) on Amazon. It supposed to ship on Monday, so we'll see what happens.
I snagged this earlier in the week for just under $20 ($19.32) on Amazon. It supposed to ship on Monday, so we'll see what happens.