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w98 problem with sound (1 Viewer)


Senior HTF Member
Mar 11, 2000
I just reloaded my box at work and now I can only play one sound at a time. If I have an mp3 playing all other sounds just come through the pc speaker and a tick instead of their sound. I've reinstalled the sound card drivers twice. I did install directx 8 so I wonder if thats screwing stuff up. Any way I can uninstall 8 and reinstall 7?
Michael Alletto
Mike's DVD List
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Justin Lane

Senior HTF Member
Jan 18, 2000
Well it is a driver related issue for sure. I had a similar issue with my sound card awhile back, and it would not d multiple streams until I got the newest drivers. The current driver you are using/installed seems not to support multiple audio streams. The best solution is to look for the most up to date drivers (considering you just put on DX8), and if they don't work look for any driver put out for your card and give that a try. As I last resort I would contact tech support for your card and see if it indeed is supported.

Eric Samonte

Mar 31, 1999
I suppose u might have tried these already...check spkr connections?....check sound settings on that cute little spkr icon?.....crank up volume? (hey sometimes it gets me)....check soundcard if its stuck in PCI slot nice and dandy. If u got these out of the way, drivers are the next thing to check as Justine says. Also, check up on MS website on upgrade. I don't knoe if I'm correct or not but I seem to remember that I didn't upgrade to DirectX 8 because of an incompatibility with Win98. Not sure though so just check.
If ever u do get it going, pls let us know so we'll be "experts" on it for others too.

Eric Samonte
Dito sa Pilipinas..may Hom Tiyeter rin kami!

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