- Joined
- Feb 19, 2001
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UPDATE 10/26/05
ALLIANCE ATLANTIS is the biggest offender
Here is their e-mail:
[email protected]
Contact info for Warner Home Video.
Try this number and ask for their Canadian home video department contact:
(thanks to MarcoBiscotti)
You can refer to this first post if you do not wish to wade through the thread.
THE IDEA: I want to start a list of all DVD where the Canadian release is altered for some reason or another. Be it removing a track to add a French track or different cut due to different distributor.
I was really upset a few years ago when I found out the Abyss in Canada had no 5.1 track because it was removed to add a 2.0 French track! OMG!
Good thing some stores stocked both...
I think this will be very useful to Canadians who don't want to get screwed by some distributor removing a commentary track for example to include a French track instead, as well as for US residents buying from Canadian stores.
What else boys? (and girls of course...)
Here is a small list compiled with the help of the members here. Most of the credit goes to Tom Tsai, trust me when I say 80% of what you see is copy/paste from his posts. thanks to CraigF for contributions as well as EnricoE, Jim Spencer, Christian Preischl, Greg Madsen, Bhavesh, Jean Paul Villeneuve, Rain, KerryK for info posted. If I forgot to mention you I am sorry but the list will just keep growing from now.
Abyss, The - In Canada had no 5.1 track because it was removed to add a 2.0 French track
Adjuster, The - CDN has commentary by Atom Egoyan but non-anamorphic. MGM version is anamorphic but no extras
Alone In The Dark - (the Uwe Boll classic) Realeased May 10. IF YOU WANT a DTS audio track, you're out of luck. For some reason, Alliance Atlantis is releasing this DVD (it's a Lions Gate film?!) and of course dropped the DTS track (I believe it was supposed to have a DTS-ES track) in favour of a French 5.1 audio track. The DVD still has English 5.1 EX audio.
Amelie - Canadian version does not allow the player-generated subtitles to be turned off
Atanarjuat AKA Fast Runner, The - US has better video (but some claims that it loses the "feel" that the director wanted) but the CDN is a 2-disc SE. US release has no features and is cut somewhere. Interesting post about here:
Band Wagon, The - Canada version missing "Two-Faced Woman" outtake
Boondock Saints –US has a DD5.1 track and some pretty good extras including an audio commentary. The Canadian version by Lions Gate/Columbia Tristar only has a DD2.0 track and minimal extras
Bowling for Columbine - Alliance Atlantis (who else) screwed up on this one. While the US-MGM release has all the original burnt-in theatrical subtitles and title cards, Alliance removed them and replaced them with player-generated subtitles. The problem is that in the second half of the film the original title cards were occasionally left in (accidentally?), resulting in both original title card and subtitle appearing on screen at the same time, one over the other
Brotherhood of the Wolf - CDN is a 3-disc release, slightly inferior video, but has the extended cut, more extras, better subtitles, and a DTS track
Cinema Paradiso (New Version) - not available in Canada
Confessionnal, Le - The DVD is in "full frame", which seems to be the OAR (part of the film is based on the making of "I Confess" by Hitchcock, so the OAR might be a sort of reference to it)... but the picture quality is just bad! Right when the opening titles come up, you see tons of edge enhancement and then pixellation... and none of the colors seem to stay still, especially during darker, indoor scenes.. the colors seem to move around if you look closely. The transfer doesn't seem to have much definition... I suspect it was taken from a lesser source. Not quite bad enough to be a VHS-to-DVD transfer, but I suspect it may have been transfered from a laserdisc. Also, most stores want around $40 for it... absolutely outrageous for a title with poor PQ and no extras.
Cube - Signature series is not available in Canada. Canadian disc is P&S only
Das Experiment - Better cover, additional international trailer. May have used a PAL transfer, but looks good nonetheless
Easter Parade - 1 disk version in Canada, 2 disk version in USA
Eat Drink Man Woman - The CDN Seville version has superior transfer
English Patient,The - on the Canadian version Alliance Atlantis have replaced the DTS with a French DUB (in both new and old version).
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind dts isn't noted on the case of the AA Canadian release of this Focus film: cutting something out would be par for these release circumstances.
eXistenZ - more extras on Canadian version, better audio and video transfer according
Fantastic Four - Different cut of the film. for details start with JoSAN's post
Far From Heaven - Much better cover from Alliance
Fast Runner, The AKA Atanarjuat - US has better video (but some claims that it loses the "feel" that the director wanted) but the CDN is a 2-disc SE. US release has no features and is cut somewhere. Interesting post about here:
Finding Neverland - AVOID CANADIAN RELEASE. Canadian release has a forced ad for a truck at the beginning that you cannot skip, fast forward or avoid by any means before you access the menu.
Foolproof - The Canadian WS release includes a soundtrack CD, not at all mentioned on the cover nor is there a sticker. Some people on it you've probably heard of are Dr. John, Dandy Warhols, Sam Roberts, Danko Jones, Three Dog Night, Crystal Method...the tracks from the first three you've almost certainly heard before.
Freaky Friday - CDN P&S only...OAR version replaced by the French track
Ginger Snaps - CDN has better transfer (16X9 widescreen while the US one is Pan & Scan/full screen ) and more extras
Ginger Snaps 2 - Canadian Version Exclusive: TV-Spots, Auditions, Behind the Scenes, Teaser for Ginger Snaps 3, Theatrical Trailer for Ginger Snaps 2 (English and French versions). US Version Exclusive: Trailers for other Lions Gate movies: House of 1000 Corpses, Cabin Fever, Serial Killing 101 (NO TRAILER for any Ginger Snaps movies). both versions are in 1.78 anamorphic widescreen, Canadian version has English 5.1/2.0 and French 5.1/2.0 US version only has English 5.1(FOR FULLER DETAILS REFER TO TOM'S POST, NUMBER 68 ON THIS THREAD)
Ginger Snaps III: The Beginning - video isn't Anamorphic. The package list the video as a (16/9) transfert, but it's not... Seville made a mistake
Good Will Hunting - Anamorphic on Canadian version
Great Raid Director's Cut, The - In Canada the DVD only came with a chapter insert. It didn't come with a book like the US version.
Hard Core Logo - The Canadian Limited edition has lots more extras and a non-soundtrack CD
Hole, The - Now that the US version of THE HOLE has been released, I guess it's time to replace my Canadian version. The only difference is the new Dolby 5.1 track on the US version.
Intermission - the Canadian version of Intermission does not have any extras. The US version has two brief deleted scenes and a theatrical trailer. Nothing much, but thought some of you might want to know.
Island, The - U.S. version has English DD5.1, Can. version has English DD2.0 (besides the French).
Jet Lag - wrong aspect ratio, but more extras (some in French only)
Kid Stays in the Picture – Separate barebone and SE from Alliance
Last Night - again, much better cover art from Alliance
Legend of 1900 - CDN version doesn't have DTS. Don't know if the transfer is also different or not
Long Way Round - It seems the Canadian version of "Long Way Round," the Ewan McGregor ride-around-the-world-on-a-motorcycle documentary, is the 3-disc 10-episode Special Edition while the US version is the 2-disc 7-episode Standard Edition.
Lord Of The Rings - The Canadian version has a French 2.0 track instead of the English 2.0 track. Most of the text fonts in the booklet and disc art are approx. half the size to make space for duplicate French writing. I am sure this applies to all 3 movies both the 2 disc and Extended 4 disc Editions.
Lost in Translation - better cover and theatrical trailer included which is not on the u.s. release
Mambo Italiano - Canadian version by Warner Brothers, has a blooper featurette, added scenes, deleted scenes, and an additional French track, etc. Also available in a 2-disc set (with CD soundtrack). The 1-disc US version by Columbia Tristar only has a theatrical trailer as the extra
March of the Penguins - Canadian version does not have all the features of US release, only one doc.
Monsoon Wedding - CDN is not anamorphic
Monsters Inc. - French track replaces the P&S transfer and isolated score/FX track
Owning Mahowney - The Canadian version is modified to 1.78:1 (from 2.35:1)
Passion Of The Christ, The - Canadian version does indeed have a full bitrate DTS track as opposed to the typical half-rate DTS track that's on the U.S. version. Still no word on whether or not this affected the PQ.
Pianist, The - CDN Lions Gate 3-disc has bad transfer (apparently the transfer was a PAL to NTSC conversion which was badly executed) but has a few more extras and a CD soundtrack
Piano Teacher, The - US version has a 20 min interview
Pulp Fiction CE - much cheaper/inferior packaging than the US edition
Punisher, The - The Canadian release of The Punisher (also known as 'Le Punisher: Les Liens du Sang') doesn't have the prequel comic inside. Alliance Atlantis Strikes Again!
Red Violin, The - CDN fullscreen, US widescreen
Running Man,The - Alliance Atlantis removed the DTS-ES track and replaced it with a french 2.0 track for the Canadian market
Run Lola Run - I think there are two versions in Canada. The one by Columbia Tristar is superior
Sin City Recut & Extended - the Canadian release does NOT have DTS!! Another case of Alliance Crap-tlantis removing it to make room for French track.
SNL: 25 Years of Music - (which is a 5 DVD set) is in thinpaks, the US it's regular amarays. Everything else is the same
Star Wars Episode I and II - have a French track instead of a Spanish Track like the US release.
Stir Of Echoes - New S.E. only: The U.S. DVD features 5.1 Dolby Digital EX and 6.1 DTS ES audio tracks, however Alliance Atlantis dropped the DTS track in favour of a French 5.1 Dolby Digital track.
Straight Story - US has better transfer according to Gary (who added "Not me... according to the screen captures. Here)
Swimming Pool - no DTS track on CDN version. Apparently PAL-NTSC (?) conversion bonus featurette on the Canadian version
Together - slightly better video/audio according a 6 min featurette, but has some subtitle problems
Trainspotting - CDN more extras...but then the CE is coming out so there's no point. The Canadian version apparently has a few seconds of one scene replaced with another. new CE of trainspotting doesn't have a collectable booklet in canada but there is a chapter listing insert in the U.S.
Treed Murray - well...the CDN version is not called "Get Down". That should count for something right?
Triplettes de Belleville/Triplets of Belleville,The - Triplettes de Belleville has the original French track in Canada, but the US one only has english (I think I heard it might have Spanish, too).
Toronto Rocks Rolling Stones Concert - US is 1 disc and Canada 2 Disc
Unleashed: Extreme Version Atlantis has dropped the DTS track on Unleashed: Extreme Version, in favour of a French 5.1 Dolby Digital track. Those who want the DTS track will have to import.
White noise ? OAR?
Wizard Of Oz 3-disc set Apparently the 1933 historical Ted Eshbaugh cartoon was not included on disc 3 of the set, despite it being in the library of public domain. CONFIRMED: THE 1933 CARTOON IS NOT INCLUDED. The Back of the larger pack does not indicate it, but the included fold out digipak DOES say its included, only to not find it available in the main menu of disc 3.
Y Tu Mama Tambien – Canadian version doesn't have 5.1 and barebones from Alliance
UPDATE 10/26/05
ALLIANCE ATLANTIS is the biggest offender
Here is their e-mail:
[email protected]
Contact info for Warner Home Video.
Try this number and ask for their Canadian home video department contact:
(thanks to MarcoBiscotti)
You can refer to this first post if you do not wish to wade through the thread.
THE IDEA: I want to start a list of all DVD where the Canadian release is altered for some reason or another. Be it removing a track to add a French track or different cut due to different distributor.
I was really upset a few years ago when I found out the Abyss in Canada had no 5.1 track because it was removed to add a 2.0 French track! OMG!
Good thing some stores stocked both...
I think this will be very useful to Canadians who don't want to get screwed by some distributor removing a commentary track for example to include a French track instead, as well as for US residents buying from Canadian stores.
What else boys? (and girls of course...)
Here is a small list compiled with the help of the members here. Most of the credit goes to Tom Tsai, trust me when I say 80% of what you see is copy/paste from his posts. thanks to CraigF for contributions as well as EnricoE, Jim Spencer, Christian Preischl, Greg Madsen, Bhavesh, Jean Paul Villeneuve, Rain, KerryK for info posted. If I forgot to mention you I am sorry but the list will just keep growing from now.
Abyss, The - In Canada had no 5.1 track because it was removed to add a 2.0 French track
Adjuster, The - CDN has commentary by Atom Egoyan but non-anamorphic. MGM version is anamorphic but no extras
Alone In The Dark - (the Uwe Boll classic) Realeased May 10. IF YOU WANT a DTS audio track, you're out of luck. For some reason, Alliance Atlantis is releasing this DVD (it's a Lions Gate film?!) and of course dropped the DTS track (I believe it was supposed to have a DTS-ES track) in favour of a French 5.1 audio track. The DVD still has English 5.1 EX audio.
Amelie - Canadian version does not allow the player-generated subtitles to be turned off
Atanarjuat AKA Fast Runner, The - US has better video (but some claims that it loses the "feel" that the director wanted) but the CDN is a 2-disc SE. US release has no features and is cut somewhere. Interesting post about here:
Band Wagon, The - Canada version missing "Two-Faced Woman" outtake
Boondock Saints –US has a DD5.1 track and some pretty good extras including an audio commentary. The Canadian version by Lions Gate/Columbia Tristar only has a DD2.0 track and minimal extras
Bowling for Columbine - Alliance Atlantis (who else) screwed up on this one. While the US-MGM release has all the original burnt-in theatrical subtitles and title cards, Alliance removed them and replaced them with player-generated subtitles. The problem is that in the second half of the film the original title cards were occasionally left in (accidentally?), resulting in both original title card and subtitle appearing on screen at the same time, one over the other
Brotherhood of the Wolf - CDN is a 3-disc release, slightly inferior video, but has the extended cut, more extras, better subtitles, and a DTS track
Cinema Paradiso (New Version) - not available in Canada
Confessionnal, Le - The DVD is in "full frame", which seems to be the OAR (part of the film is based on the making of "I Confess" by Hitchcock, so the OAR might be a sort of reference to it)... but the picture quality is just bad! Right when the opening titles come up, you see tons of edge enhancement and then pixellation... and none of the colors seem to stay still, especially during darker, indoor scenes.. the colors seem to move around if you look closely. The transfer doesn't seem to have much definition... I suspect it was taken from a lesser source. Not quite bad enough to be a VHS-to-DVD transfer, but I suspect it may have been transfered from a laserdisc. Also, most stores want around $40 for it... absolutely outrageous for a title with poor PQ and no extras.
Cube - Signature series is not available in Canada. Canadian disc is P&S only
Das Experiment - Better cover, additional international trailer. May have used a PAL transfer, but looks good nonetheless
Easter Parade - 1 disk version in Canada, 2 disk version in USA
Eat Drink Man Woman - The CDN Seville version has superior transfer
English Patient,The - on the Canadian version Alliance Atlantis have replaced the DTS with a French DUB (in both new and old version).
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind dts isn't noted on the case of the AA Canadian release of this Focus film: cutting something out would be par for these release circumstances.
eXistenZ - more extras on Canadian version, better audio and video transfer according
Fantastic Four - Different cut of the film. for details start with JoSAN's post
Far From Heaven - Much better cover from Alliance
Fast Runner, The AKA Atanarjuat - US has better video (but some claims that it loses the "feel" that the director wanted) but the CDN is a 2-disc SE. US release has no features and is cut somewhere. Interesting post about here:
Finding Neverland - AVOID CANADIAN RELEASE. Canadian release has a forced ad for a truck at the beginning that you cannot skip, fast forward or avoid by any means before you access the menu.
Foolproof - The Canadian WS release includes a soundtrack CD, not at all mentioned on the cover nor is there a sticker. Some people on it you've probably heard of are Dr. John, Dandy Warhols, Sam Roberts, Danko Jones, Three Dog Night, Crystal Method...the tracks from the first three you've almost certainly heard before.
Freaky Friday - CDN P&S only...OAR version replaced by the French track
Ginger Snaps - CDN has better transfer (16X9 widescreen while the US one is Pan & Scan/full screen ) and more extras
Ginger Snaps 2 - Canadian Version Exclusive: TV-Spots, Auditions, Behind the Scenes, Teaser for Ginger Snaps 3, Theatrical Trailer for Ginger Snaps 2 (English and French versions). US Version Exclusive: Trailers for other Lions Gate movies: House of 1000 Corpses, Cabin Fever, Serial Killing 101 (NO TRAILER for any Ginger Snaps movies). both versions are in 1.78 anamorphic widescreen, Canadian version has English 5.1/2.0 and French 5.1/2.0 US version only has English 5.1(FOR FULLER DETAILS REFER TO TOM'S POST, NUMBER 68 ON THIS THREAD)
Ginger Snaps III: The Beginning - video isn't Anamorphic. The package list the video as a (16/9) transfert, but it's not... Seville made a mistake
Good Will Hunting - Anamorphic on Canadian version
Great Raid Director's Cut, The - In Canada the DVD only came with a chapter insert. It didn't come with a book like the US version.
Hard Core Logo - The Canadian Limited edition has lots more extras and a non-soundtrack CD
Hole, The - Now that the US version of THE HOLE has been released, I guess it's time to replace my Canadian version. The only difference is the new Dolby 5.1 track on the US version.
Intermission - the Canadian version of Intermission does not have any extras. The US version has two brief deleted scenes and a theatrical trailer. Nothing much, but thought some of you might want to know.
Island, The - U.S. version has English DD5.1, Can. version has English DD2.0 (besides the French).
Jet Lag - wrong aspect ratio, but more extras (some in French only)
Kid Stays in the Picture – Separate barebone and SE from Alliance
Last Night - again, much better cover art from Alliance
Legend of 1900 - CDN version doesn't have DTS. Don't know if the transfer is also different or not
Long Way Round - It seems the Canadian version of "Long Way Round," the Ewan McGregor ride-around-the-world-on-a-motorcycle documentary, is the 3-disc 10-episode Special Edition while the US version is the 2-disc 7-episode Standard Edition.
Lord Of The Rings - The Canadian version has a French 2.0 track instead of the English 2.0 track. Most of the text fonts in the booklet and disc art are approx. half the size to make space for duplicate French writing. I am sure this applies to all 3 movies both the 2 disc and Extended 4 disc Editions.
Lost in Translation - better cover and theatrical trailer included which is not on the u.s. release
Mambo Italiano - Canadian version by Warner Brothers, has a blooper featurette, added scenes, deleted scenes, and an additional French track, etc. Also available in a 2-disc set (with CD soundtrack). The 1-disc US version by Columbia Tristar only has a theatrical trailer as the extra
March of the Penguins - Canadian version does not have all the features of US release, only one doc.
Monsoon Wedding - CDN is not anamorphic
Monsters Inc. - French track replaces the P&S transfer and isolated score/FX track
Owning Mahowney - The Canadian version is modified to 1.78:1 (from 2.35:1)
Passion Of The Christ, The - Canadian version does indeed have a full bitrate DTS track as opposed to the typical half-rate DTS track that's on the U.S. version. Still no word on whether or not this affected the PQ.
Pianist, The - CDN Lions Gate 3-disc has bad transfer (apparently the transfer was a PAL to NTSC conversion which was badly executed) but has a few more extras and a CD soundtrack
Piano Teacher, The - US version has a 20 min interview
Pulp Fiction CE - much cheaper/inferior packaging than the US edition
Punisher, The - The Canadian release of The Punisher (also known as 'Le Punisher: Les Liens du Sang') doesn't have the prequel comic inside. Alliance Atlantis Strikes Again!
Red Violin, The - CDN fullscreen, US widescreen
Running Man,The - Alliance Atlantis removed the DTS-ES track and replaced it with a french 2.0 track for the Canadian market
Run Lola Run - I think there are two versions in Canada. The one by Columbia Tristar is superior
Sin City Recut & Extended - the Canadian release does NOT have DTS!! Another case of Alliance Crap-tlantis removing it to make room for French track.
SNL: 25 Years of Music - (which is a 5 DVD set) is in thinpaks, the US it's regular amarays. Everything else is the same
Star Wars Episode I and II - have a French track instead of a Spanish Track like the US release.
Stir Of Echoes - New S.E. only: The U.S. DVD features 5.1 Dolby Digital EX and 6.1 DTS ES audio tracks, however Alliance Atlantis dropped the DTS track in favour of a French 5.1 Dolby Digital track.
Straight Story - US has better transfer according to Gary (who added "Not me... according to the screen captures. Here)
Swimming Pool - no DTS track on CDN version. Apparently PAL-NTSC (?) conversion bonus featurette on the Canadian version
Together - slightly better video/audio according a 6 min featurette, but has some subtitle problems
Trainspotting - CDN more extras...but then the CE is coming out so there's no point. The Canadian version apparently has a few seconds of one scene replaced with another. new CE of trainspotting doesn't have a collectable booklet in canada but there is a chapter listing insert in the U.S.
Treed Murray - well...the CDN version is not called "Get Down". That should count for something right?
Triplettes de Belleville/Triplets of Belleville,The - Triplettes de Belleville has the original French track in Canada, but the US one only has english (I think I heard it might have Spanish, too).
Toronto Rocks Rolling Stones Concert - US is 1 disc and Canada 2 Disc
Unleashed: Extreme Version Atlantis has dropped the DTS track on Unleashed: Extreme Version, in favour of a French 5.1 Dolby Digital track. Those who want the DTS track will have to import.
White noise ? OAR?
Wizard Of Oz 3-disc set Apparently the 1933 historical Ted Eshbaugh cartoon was not included on disc 3 of the set, despite it being in the library of public domain. CONFIRMED: THE 1933 CARTOON IS NOT INCLUDED. The Back of the larger pack does not indicate it, but the included fold out digipak DOES say its included, only to not find it available in the main menu of disc 3.
Y Tu Mama Tambien – Canadian version doesn't have 5.1 and barebones from Alliance