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UNIVERSAL-- please let us know about the corrected Jurassic Park DTS DVD! (1 Viewer)

Rob Gillespie

Senior HTF Member
Aug 17, 1998
Since the new DTS disc does indeed have some way of being identified there's little else to be said. Realistically that was about as much of a sign as you would got anyway. Whether this was done deliberately or by mistake, the point is that you now know what to look for.
Some retailers may give exchanges, some wont. To those that can't exchange there's no reason why you can't sell the disc either privately or through Ebay.
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Inspector Hammer!

Senior HTF Member
Mar 15, 1999
Houston, Texas
Real Name
John Williamson
There's a thread going over in the Software area that deals with this very problem, but in case you don't want to read all that, just for the record, the way to tell the difference between the two are by the security seal on the top spine of the disc BEFORE you open it, it reads...
The WS and DTS are in parenthisis. But on the old version it reads...
Me and a freind got ours from our local Best Buy, and let me tell ya, this mix is a wonder to behold! So now you know, go get it.
No Soup For You!

Dan B

Sep 17, 1999
Thanks for posting that information in this thread, John. Now I can actually buy the movie...imagine that!

William Ward

Supporting Actor
Mar 1, 2000
I went to a Best Buy about 45 minutes away from my house this morning. They had the DTS DVD with (WS)(DTS) and the JPIII sticker. It also had the PS2 sticker. I checked the files and it said July. I played it and the low bass is still not there....
So now I have to take it back for a refund. Guess DVD Empire is my only hope now.
BTW, I checked another BB on my way home and they didn't have any DTS in stock.(CPU showed 0 on hand).
Go Bucs!!


Jul 15, 2000
If Universal really cared about their customers, they would offer an exchange/recall.
I agree with others. I will think twice about buying another Universal DVD after this.

aaron campbell

Second Unit
Jan 11, 2000
I'm not buying any Universal dvd's untill this is resolved!


Dan Hitchman

Senior HTF Member
Jun 11, 1999
After thoroughly reading the thread in the software section regarding the J.P. DTS DVD I have to say this is absolutely FUBAR!
Thank you ever so much for this mess Universal! NOT!!
[Edited last by Dan Hitchman on July 10, 2001 at 05:41 PM]


Stunt Coordinator
May 28, 2001
Yeah, now this has been resolved, we can start buying The Mummy Returns fake ultimate collector

To the naive ones, the JP dts dvd is far from resolved... hand the rights to Dreamworks, they'll know how to do the dvds.

Kenny Goldin

Second Unit
Sep 3, 2000
It is NOT resolved--the (WS) (DTS) thing is not 100% accurate way of telling. The only way to tell is to actually remove the shrink wrap and make sure the inner rim of the disc says "D2R2" and NOT "D2R1" AND checking the date on the computer should read November 2000, not July 2000. You can see my comments and photos on the subject in the last several pages of that thread.
Needless to say I am very upset, and I urge HTFers to conitinue this thread, and the one in the software section, until there is a clear way to tell WITHOUT HAVING TO OPEN THE DISC. Even *IF* this is ever resolved (yeah right) I would still not forgive Universal. They have pissed around too long and willnever have my sympathy or forgiveness.

Pete J

Sep 30, 2000
This is a small distraction, but I read reviews of JP and LW at one of the online dealers of DVD's and the reviewer stated that the DTS version was clearly superion sonically to the DD version, especially in the low base. I'm pretty sure he did not have the corrected version(s). Glad I rented a copy before buying.

Patrick G

Second Unit
Feb 3, 2000
quote: The only way to tell is to actually remove the shrink wrap and make sure the inner rim of the disc says "D2R2" and NOT "D2R1" AND checking the date on the computer should read November 2000, not July 2000.[/quote]
Did you mean to say "...make sure the inner rim of the disc says "D2R2 and NOT "D2R1 OR checking the date on the computer should read November 2000, not July 2000"???
Has ANYONE discovered that although the inner rim reads D2R2, the file indicated July 2000, thus an OLD pressing? I don't have a DVD-ROM to check the date, but my rim reads "D2R2".
[Edited last by Patrick G on July 11, 2001 at 04:26 PM]


Supporting Actor
Sep 7, 1998
South Eastern PA
Real Name
I used too be a very big supporter of Universal and really like some of the DVD work they have done but this is just to pathetic to just let slip under the radar!
I mean if the other studio's can fess up to there mistakes then I see no reason why Universal out of all of them can't?
There is too much to be gained here by admitting wrong and correcting it. I for one would respect the studio 100% more and would be proud to continue supporting such a company in their endeavors.
I would like to see the studio correct this is the proper manner and if not then you can bet that I will be looking at other studios for my DVD collection as I hope ten's of thousands of others do the same. Will I stop all Universal buying, no, but that is only because I like movies more then I like some studios that are down right cowards.
Again, please Universal, do what you know is the right thing to do, offer an exchange for the disc’s. You do not even have to admit it is defective, just make the offer and all will be forgiven and you WILL reap the rewards.
Yours truly,
**** Digital Vortex ****
The Digital Electronic Site


May 4, 2000
I too am extremely upset about this. This situation is inexcusable, and I can't believe we all have to sit here and just take it. What makes me even more angry is that some sort of ultimate edition box set is probably going to come out late this year or early next year, and we will probably be talking about this all over again. Universal's home video policy is for the birds...collector's editions turning into ultimate editions and dts editions with faulty audio...It is time for a total rehaul over there!!

Andy W

Stunt Coordinator
May 13, 2001
I purchased a Jurassic Park (JP) DTS DVD last October 10, 2000. I also have the pro-logic laser disc of JP, and I saw the movie in a well equipped theater. I was most disappointed in the lack of bass on the DTS DVD (played through a Velodyne F1800RII subwoofer) compared to the laserdisc and the theatrical presentation.
Not being able to identify the remastered disc from the old one (without opening the case), I took a chance on July 12, 2001, and purchased another copy of JP DTS DVD, hoping it would have the new, much improved soundtrack. Upon opening the new disc, I felt fortunate to see that I bought the new version. With the first THUD in the beginning of chapter 1 of the new disc, the bass was extremely powerful and dynamic. Absolutely no A/B comparison was needed to hear the huge difference in LFE output (although I did play the old JP DTS DVD to confirm how vast the difference was).
Quite simply, I would very much appreciate it if Universal would give me a refund or at least a fair value credit voucher toward the purchase of another Universal DVD. I would return the bad disc to Universal if they would offer a refund or a credit.
I currently own 41 Universal DVDs as well as many Universal laserdiscs (I haven’t counted the exact number, but is probably more than the number of Universal DVDs I own). Please see DanR’s post in this thread (dated 06-26-01, 11:24 p.m. CST) regarding future customer value being potentially lost over such an easy matter to resolve.
I hope Universal offers a program to rectify this situation and to satisfy their customers as other studios have done to correct disc production errors (ex. – Cleopatra, Leon the Professional). Thank you.

Ben Henry

Aug 16, 2000
It's time you recompense your faithful customers and replace our DEFECTIVE Jurassic Park DVDs. I too have a disc with serial # PEMC-D2R1. There is no comparing the LFE effects with the Lost World DVD I own. I have 19 other DVDs which are Universal discs. That adds up to a lot of money I have given your Studio. Replace the defective discs and make us happy customers once again.
A. Benjamin Henry

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