During his many years of stage and screen stardom, Henry Fonda was much better known for his dramatic performances than for his comedic ones. And yet, there are comedies in his filmography and some famous ones, too: The Male Animal, Yours, Mine, and Ours, Mister Roberts, and (supremely) The Lady Eve. Walter Lang’s The Magnificent Dope may not rank alongside Preston Sturges’ classic farce, but on its own it’s a not-bad little comedy made before Fonda entered World War II and showing him at his breeziest and most ingratiating. If things move more slowly than they should (and the movie still runs only 83-minutes), it’s time well spent watching Fonda develop the trajectory for his character from a simpleton to a man with eyes wide open.
Studio: Fox
Distributed By: N/A
Video Resolution and Encode: 480I/MPEG-2
Aspect Ratio: 1.33:1
Audio: English 2.0 DD
Subtitles: None
Rating: Not Rated
Run Time: 1 Hr. 23 Min.
Package Includes: DVD
Amaray caseDisc Type: DVD-R
Region: All
Release Date: 10/09/2014
MSRP: $19.98
The Production Rating: 3/5
Video Rating: 3/5 3D Rating: NA
Audio Rating: 3/5
Special Features Rating: 0/5
Overall Rating: 3/5
Reviewed By: Matt Hough
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