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Press Release SPHE Press Release: Columbia Classics Ultra 4K HD Collection Volume 2 (1 Viewer)


Feb 8, 2015
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I haven’t heard this expression before, I like it. :lol:

I loved that expression when I first came across it in Tintin - The Broken Ear in the 70s. It’s been part of my vocabulary ever since.

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David Norman

Senior HTF Member
Oct 12, 2001
Charlotte, NC
I haven’t heard this expression before, I like it. :lol:

Grew up in about the deepest South you could imagine and never heard that one either -- the kind of places that the said Bless Your Heart and meant it before it became a not so veiled insult.

Gramma actually used these regularly (grandpa had some that can't really be written in a polite forum):
  • Drunker than Cooter Brown -- usually about her Brother-in-Law on Sunday afternoon. Pretty much the whole side of the family were 3rd to 5th Gen Moonshiners otherwise known as the "Local Pharmacists" locally they sold the fixings to make your winter medicines along with Rock Salt and Peppermints. I believe the closest actual trained Pharmacist was about 30 miles away (as the crow flies of course), but they weren't very well respected.
  • Frequently followed by the scary "Having a Come to Jesus Meeting"
  • Come over here and Gimme some sugar -- every Sunday for as long as she was alive
  • He thinks the sun come up next to him just to here him crow
  • Ain't got the sense God gave a rock (various other things the God apparently bestowed with a lot of knowledge that lesser mortals weren't always privvy to)
  • Hush your mouth -- I actually told a 4yo to "Hush" once when she was intentionally giving me a hard time (we knew each other well) in front a young Doctor who had just come over from Poland and she thought it was the funniest thing when the 4yo starting giggling, but did settle down
  • Cain't never could

Ain't, Plumb (as in plumb tuckered out), and Fixin' to are all considered proper forms of proper English language.

Forgot one of my favorites -- the rare double contraction "tweren't" variations of It was/were not, They were not
In a really fine bit of fury one Sunday came the sentence "Tweren't no business a' mine the way he parked the car all cattywampus after he got Cootered. He'll be spendin a month of Sundays in the jail once the law finds him and his last still"

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Senior HTF Member
Dec 13, 2006
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Senior HTF Member PMF, or Philip, hasn't been posting here for several months. I also haven't heard from him via email. I just want to say that I appreciated his contributions. Hats off to him. Has anyone here heard from Philip recently?
This is not the first time he has dropped out of sight for several weeks before returning.
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Ronald Epstein

Senior HTF Member
Jul 3, 1997
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Ronald Epstein
This is not the first time he has dropped out of sight for several weeks before returning.

Apparently so. Just to put some closure on this, I have email tracking and someone on his end did open the mail I sent him. I am assuming it was he. No response was sent.

So, hopefully, he'll rejoin us at some point.


Senior HTF Member
May 6, 2015
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With gratitude, I would like to post a note of deeply regarded thanks to Ron Epstein and all of the HTF members who - beginning with benbess - so kindly expressed their concerns not only for my own well being, but for that of all others who sometimes become long-absent during these very edgy times of a now 2 year pandemic.

I sincerely regret the timing and circumstances of not being able to reply sooner, as these thoughtful postings appeared upon this thread during the very same hours that I was on the dash and making emergency arrangements and provisions towards finding a single vacancy at a hopefully heated hotel - anywhere - in order to beat the nor’easter that hit New England and many other regions.

As for my status, thus far? I have remained Covid free and humbled. Two vaccinations, one booster, still masking up and doing my public dance of The Six-Foot Distancer.

To conclude, it is my hope that all others here are also finding themselves to be in the same said state of good and continued health.

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Senior HTF Member
Sep 8, 2009
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With gratitude, I would like to post a note of deeply regarded thanks to Ron Epstein and all of the HTF members who - beginning with benbess - so kindly expressed their concerns not only for my own well being, but for that of all others who sometimes become long-absent during these very edgy times of a now 2 year pandemic.

I sincerely regret the timing and circumstances of not being able to reply sooner, as these thoughtful postings appeared upon this thread during the very same hours that I was on the dash and making emergency arrangements and provisions towards finding a single vacancy at a hopefully heated hotel - anywhere - in order to beat the nor’easter that hit New England and many other regions.

As for my status, thus far? I have remained Covid free and humbled. Two vaccinations, one booster, still masking up and doing my public dance of The Six-Foot Distancer.

To conclude, it is my hope that all others here are also finding themselves to be in the same said state of good and continued health.


Welcome back!

All best wishes, Ben
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Senior HTF Member
Nov 7, 2012
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Kevin Oppegaard
Since the announcement of the death of Ivan Reitman this morning, I thought I'd repost the great interview from The New Yorker last July, where Ivan Reitman, Bill Murray and Bill Butler had a zoom together. They had worked together on Stripes, which was afforded a fantastic 4K upgrade in this set. Bill Butler was celebrating his 100th birthday!

Sounded like Ivan Reitman had a great life right up to the end and died peacefully in his sleep. That's the way to pop one's clogs!



Stunt Coordinator
Jul 18, 2015
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Just a heads up, there’s only 86 copies left in stock at Amazon, and DeepDiscount, Walmart and Target have been marked as sold out for quite some time, so I’d say after those 86 copies are sold, all that will be left is third party resellers. And once Amazon realises this I doubt that $99 price point (pricematching Walmart) will be sticking around.


Stunt Coordinator
Jul 18, 2015
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Now down to 75 copies and part of Amazon's buy 2 get 1 free. Still gone from DeepDiscount, Walmart and Target. I doubt it's going to come back once those 75 are gone.

Waldo Lydecker

Stunt Coordinator
Oct 20, 2016
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David N. Heathman
Here’s hoping that Columbia includes “The Last Picture Show” in the next boxed set. It’s been available on blu-ray only as part of a Criterion boxed set. I’ve been waiting years to see it available as a stand alone title. With the recent passings of both Peter Bogdanovich and Larry McMurtry perhaps someone will take notice…???


Senior HTF Member
Feb 1, 2000
Here’s hoping that Columbia includes “The Last Picture Show” in the next boxed set. It’s been available on blu-ray only as part of a Criterion boxed set. I’ve been waiting years to see it available as a stand alone title. With the recent passings of both Peter Bogdanovich and Larry McMurtry perhaps someone will take notice…???
There have been standalone Blu-ray releases in the UK and Australia but the UK release is now out of print. Looks like Sony is not very interested in it as they never released it themselves on Blu-ray.

So if there HAS to be another B&W movie in the next boxset it may as well be The Last Picture Show.

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