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Disney+ She-Hulk: Attorney at Law (Marvel Cinematic Universe) (1 Viewer)

Jake Lipson

Senior HTF Member
Dec 21, 2002
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Jake Lipson
I have been on record in this thread as not really being a big fan of this show. There are some interesting ideas in it, and the cast is good, but I think the execution of those ideas throughout the season has been extremely lacking. I also don't think the show is particularly funny.

Today's episode is the first time I've actually really dug this.

It is by far the best thing the show has done yet, and it is finally starting to pick up some narrative momentum. It's a shame it took almost the whole season to actually really work for me and next week is the finale.

But, yes, this episode #8 is terrific. I'm also really curious to see what the response is to this one in particular.

No further comment until more people have been able to see it.
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Walter Kittel

Senior HTF Member
Dec 28, 1998

I absolutely loved about 95% of the episode. That finale was such an abrupt shift in tone that it sort of spoiled everything that had transpired previously in the episode. Perhaps that was the larger message though of the episode - that some segments of the population have to take something that is supposed to be fun and try to ruin it for everyone. (?)

I really liked the mechanism the show used to bring Matt Murdock into the episode. It felt like a long wait for Daredevil to be introduced to the world of She-Hulk and the character did not disappoint. When the the show went to the subject of legal representation for Jacobson I was anticipating Murdock's arrival. "Who's this asshole?" :rolling-smiley:

I completely enjoyed the chemistry and interaction between Jen/Matt and She-Hulk/Daredevil. Those segments were some of the best moments in season one of the series.

I believe this was the first time we have seen She-Hulk lose control of her anger and really embrace the raging Hulk persona. I suppose that finale was needed to advance the plot, but tonally it felt so abrupt that I sort of wish they had explored another mechanism. I am still processing that scene.

One episode left. What will Jen / She-Hulk's status be at the conclusion of season one?

- Walter.

Patrick Sun

Senior HTF Member
Jun 30, 1999
So many spoilers today about this week's episode on social media. Finally found time to watch the episode lest everything be spoiled.

It was mostly enjoyable.


Senior HTF Member
Aug 30, 2002
Just watched the episode. Luckily I hadn't read anything about it. Great chemistry there between Jen and the guest star.

I agree with most of what @Walter Kittel said in his post.

Even though it was done to get to the meat of the episode, Jen really came off as a bad lawyer in not properly finding out enough background in the case in the first place.

Adam Lenhardt

Senior HTF Member
Feb 16, 2001
Albany, NY
I'm behind about three episodes so I'll play catch up this weekend.
I was too, but the appearance of Daredevil in this week's episode motivated me to catch up. The two prior ones didn't thrill me, but I mostly really liked this week's episode.

With regard to that appearance:
I thought the episode did a mostly really great job translating Charlie Cox's Daredevil to the tone and world of "She-Hulk". I mostly believed that it was the same character, and the writers dialed into Murdock's dry sense of humor from the Netflix "Daredevil" series.

The only beat that really felt off to me in court when Murdock alluded to using his superpowers to detect that Leap-Frog was lying, when it was obvious to every person in the courtroom that Leap-Frog was lying. It made Murdock look like a moron for a cheap laugh.

I also appreciated the recognition of their differing approaches to crimefighting. Daredevil's stealthy approach feels surgical and laser-targeted. She-Hulk, meanwhile, leaves a trail of significant property damage wherever she goes.

I did appreciate that, after a season of her clothes being either too small on She-Hulk or too large on Jennifer Walters, her supersuit looked great on both.

Even though it was done to get to the meat of the episode, Jen really came off as a bad lawyer in not properly finding out enough background in the case in the first place.
I agree with this. The fact that she had been nothing but thrilled with Luke Jacobson's work -- and the fact that her client was clearly a spoiled rich moron -- should have clued her in to the fact that there was more to the story.

For a show titled "She-Hulk: Attorney at Law", there's actually very little law involved.

Joe Wong

Senior HTF Member
Jun 8, 1999
A very enjoyable episode!

Great intro to Daredevil. Haven’t seen the Netflix series, but I can see why Charlie Cox is such a fan favourite.

Excellent chemistry and interplay between Jen/Matt. I would totally be on board a series with these 2 as main characters, and Wong and Madisynn as sidekicks…😉

Walter Kittel

Senior HTF Member
Dec 28, 1998
Jen's lack of preparation for her case is a valid criticism, although I feel as though it was mostly plot driven so I gave it a pass.

BTW, Jacobson threw some of the best shade yet in season one of the series. Going to have to remember a few of those phrases. :)

- Walter.


Senior HTF Member
Mar 29, 2020
Hamster Shire
Real Name

I believe this was the first time we have seen She-Hulk lose control of her anger and really embrace the raging Hulk persona. I suppose that finale was needed to advance the plot, but tonally it felt so abrupt that I sort of wish they had explored another mechanism. I am still processing that scene.

In a way, it was very appropriate. In her fourth wall bit earlier, she mentioned that it seemed like a Big Twist was coming, and speculated on a couple of possibilities. I figured it wouldn't be either of those, but was likely to be something as big. So I wasn't surprised when it happened, but was surprised by what it was.

Jen's lack of preparation for her case is a valid criticism, although I feel as though it was mostly plot driven so I gave it a pass.

This isn't an excuse, as it would verge on her throwing the fight, but given that she didn't want to be defending Leapfrog, and was forced into it, I figure she subconsciously didn't care if she lost. Quite frankly, it bothers me more that her boss insists that she takes cases that are a gross conflict of interest.

Two other minor things:

(1) It bugs me that Daredevil now has a new yellow suit. It's too ingrained into me that, in the comics, DD starts out with a yellow costume, and fairly quickly (issue #7) switches to the red one. Going the other way just seems...bass-ackwards.

(2) When SH and DD were arguing about "Henchmen" vs. "Goons", I was half-expecting that one of them would suggest "Minions" and the other would respond with "Trademark infringement. Don't go there."

Sam Favate

Senior HTF Member
Feb 3, 2004
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Sam Favate
I have enjoyed She-Hulk from the beginning, but never more so than last night. This was the best episode of the season. And not just because of the famous guest star (although let’s not diminish what the right guest brings to a show, and this one brought a lot). This was sharp writing, exciting action, and probably the best performance yet from Tatiana Maslany.

I’ve been a huge fan of Charlie Cox’s Daredevil since his show premiered in 2015, and while some fans are going to growl about his more light-hearted appearance here, I found it refreshing and totally within character — including his dalliance with Jen. (Matt is known for his string of romantic relations with beautiful women, and it’s even talked about in his show.)

Possible future spoiler:
At one point, Jen mentions facing a Red Hulk, and I think this is the same kind of foreshadowing they used last week when one of the villains in therapy mentioned that Jen’s boyfriend wanted her blood, which of course he did. I think that blood is going to be used to create a Red Hulk, who will be her adversary. This is an idea that going to carry over into the movies and will be a plot point in Thunderbolts, most likely.

Also, I believe Mark Ruffalo is returning for the finale.

Sean Bryan

Sean Bryan
Senior HTF Member
Jun 30, 1997
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(1) It bugs me that Daredevil now has a new yellow suit. It's too ingrained into me that, in the comics, DD starts out with a yellow costume, and fairly quickly (issue #7) switches to the red one. Going the other way just seems...bass-ackwards.

I think they went with the yellow as an homage to that. This is, after all, his first MCU appearance. I’d expect that he’ll switch to full red in either Echo or Born Again.

Jake Lipson

Senior HTF Member
Dec 21, 2002
Real Name
Jake Lipson
Right. They don't have to use the same suit from this episode for the entirety of his show, which is still in development. In fact, it would be a little bit odd if he didn't get an updated suit for that show.
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Sam Favate

Senior HTF Member
Feb 3, 2004
Real Name
Sam Favate
Right. hey don't have to use the same suit from this episode for the entirety of his show, which is still in development. In fact, it would be a little bit odd if he didn't get an updated suit for that show.
He did say that he was in town to pick up some new suits, plural.

Jake Lipson

Senior HTF Member
Dec 21, 2002
Real Name
Jake Lipson
while some fans are going to growl about his more light-hearted appearance here, I found it refreshing and totally within character
I think this comes down to the fact that She-Hulk is a more lighthearted show. The dark Netflix version of Daredevil wouldn't work within what this show is trying to do. The writers had to make his appearance work within the tone that they have set up for their show, not his own. Similarly, if She-Hulk ever goes over to his show for a reciprocal guest spot, her appearance there would have to be adjusted to whatever tone Born Again is going to use.

Jake Lipson

Senior HTF Member
Dec 21, 2002
Real Name
Jake Lipson
I think the finale just broke my brain a little bit. I'm really curious to see how everyone reacts to this.

I did want to warn everyone that the credits sequence at the end prominently includes the name of a guest star who only appears in the mid-credits scene. I understand why they did it like this for contractual reasons, but the episode effectively spoils its final twist before it happens. I saw the name and I thought, "That person wasn't in the episode. I bet they're in the tag and they're going to...." Then, sure enough, the person was in the tag and they did exactly what I thought they would do. So if you can somehow manage to skip over the credits directly to the tag, I think you'd have a better experience. If I had been in charge of putting the finale together, I would have withheld this person's credit until after the tag scene.

I don't want to say anything else right now. But I think it is clear that people are going to have very strong opinions on this episode.
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Joe Wong

Senior HTF Member
Jun 8, 1999
A lot was packed into this short finale. It would have been great if there was an extra few minutes, but it fit with the tone and brevity of previous episodes.

What I liked: the 4th wall breaking and all the meta references.
HTFers who have been on previous Hollywood Studio trips will recognize some of the locations within Disney HQ! I would love to work there, especially the writer’s room!

What could be considered underwhelming: the expected superhero-trope finale.
If one was expecting an action-packed finale typical of superhero films/shows, then you didn’t get it.
I didn’t mind what happened, since I really enjoyed the 4th-wall-breaking interlude with KEVIN et al.

One more reveal:
Even though KEVIN said they were going to introduce someone new in this finale, and was told by Jen to leave it for the movie, they had to do so to give fans something to talk about.

Also, like @Jake Lipson, when a name came up in the credits sequence, I blurted to my wife that this person wasn’t in this episode! And she said, “You don’t know that. The episode’s not over.”

Walter Kittel

Senior HTF Member
Dec 28, 1998
I have been an unabashed fan of the show since the premiere episode. While it could be argued that the finale was very scattered story-wise that is kind of how this show rolls. One of those shows that you simply cannot take seriously, which is part of the fun. If you take the norms for these types of shows and apply them to She-Hulk you are probably going to be disappointed.

The show has a very loose improvisational style, typified by Jen's fourth wall breaks and unexpected cameo appearances. This episode in particular embraced those elements with a literal breaking of the fourth wall. :) I tend to enjoy meta style content in genre series and this episode leaned into that with the K.E.V.I.N. segment.

Loved the OG Hulk intro with Jen channeling her inner Bixby / Ferigno. Just great.

An enjoyable wrap up to a very enjoyable season.

- Walter.

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