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Projector vs. RPTV - help me decide! (1 Viewer)

Dennis Reno

Supporting Actor
Jun 30, 1997
OK, my wife and I closed on our new home yesterday. I've already started the process of laying out the finished basement and the current owners have not even completed vacating!

I've narrowed my choices down to two selections:

1. Projector (Sony VW10HT)

2. RPTV (Pioneer 643HD5)

The basement is going to be finished, but its not going to be a true "dedicated" HT room. I'm planning on having a bar as well as a pool table in the room, so having the lights completely off or nearly off will not always be an option. Also, keep in mind that we will be using this setup for movies and regular TV at a ratio of approx 35/65 (movies/TV.)

I'm really torn between the two. On one hand a projector will be out of the reach of children, where as the TV can be reached by little hands! The projector will also be awesome for movies. However, the RPTV seems better suited for casual TV watching (sports, Discovery Channel, etc.)

Any suggestions or real world experiences you wish to share???

Deane Johnson

Supporting Actor
Jan 27, 1999
I'm a major advocate of FPTV, but it seems to me that based on your description, you're going to be happier with RPTV. You're really describing a situation where most of the time you're wanting to use it as a conventional TV set.

There's no question about it, a properly set up FPTV is far more rewarding for movie watching, if that's what you're going to do with it.


Neil Joseph

Senior HTF Member
Jan 16, 1998
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Neil Joseph
I agree. The projector would be much better for movies but if you are watching only 35% movies, then the RPTV is your option. Keep in mind, there are bulb replacement costs. I believe the Sony 10HT is around 2000 hours.

Dean Cooper

Supporting Actor
Oct 23, 2000
My advice is to get the projector for your movies and HDTV viewing and use a 27 or 32" Tube TV for your regular watching. All you need is a screen that rolls up when not in use and put the TV behind it or on a stand that moves out of the way. This will give you the very best of both worlds. Regular TV usually looks like total crap when blown up on a huge screen and HDTV or DVDs always has a drastically better impact on a "big" screen (provided the transfer is good). It's going to cost you a few hundred bucks more, but in the long run you'll get the most satisfaction and enjoyment from this type of setup. I think it would match perfectly to the type of room you're planning too.


Matt Stryker

Oct 12, 2000
Land of the rolling tide
Real Name
I'm with Deane; I love my FPTV, but in your case an RPTV would be a better option. Make sure you get the protective screen if you have kids; the small decrease in image quality is worth the piece of mind that little Johnny isn't going to shove his fire engine through the screen.
You could look into doing a custom rear-projection setup (using a projector behind the screen) but that may be more dough than you are willing to spend. A lot of the RPTV screens can give you good enough brightness to watch in lighted conditions.
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Senior HTF Member
Deceased Member
Jul 3, 1997
Do what I did. Start with the RPM, since it will better serve your needs but always keep the door open for a future FP. That's exactly what I did. (Check out my HT Web Site.) I've had a Pioneer RPM for 12 years and now it resides behind the screen for my FP. Still going strong. A great unit (Pioneer Elite Pro-75). I still use the RPM for all "normal" TV since, in my estimation, the only TV worth watching on a huge screen is HDTV. I have it (HDTV), but we still have a long way to go before it's the predominant TV format.

Besides, the way that FP prices are falling, and the brightness of the technology is increasing, a Front Projector will probably be a good "enhancement" in 5 or more years for your situation.

Dennis Reno

Supporting Actor
Jun 30, 1997
Thanks for all the suggestions!

I'm leaning towards a projector in the basement and a TV in the family room. The basement will then be used primarily for movies. I think I'll take a look at the smaller HD-RPTV like the 42" Toshiba.

The best part is that I was telling my wife about the dilema and her response was "Why don't you just get both." I thought I was going to need a crash cart to revive me!

If anyone else has a suggestion feel free to add it...

Max Knight

Supporting Actor
May 8, 2000
I say go for a projector in the basement and a TV in the family room. I think that RPTV is best for people like me who:

1. Can only watch movies in a space with too much ambient light for a projector (apartment with beatiful windows and lots of exposure. It's great for everything but movie watching!)

2. Don't want to have both a TV and a projector.

In my case a widescreen RPTV (tosh 40H80) was a great choice, but in your case I think you would be better served by a HT in the basement and a TV in the family room (or perhaps both in the basement like RAF has).


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